⚫🟡🔴 105.) Red Flag of Surrender

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I want to feel that gentle breeze.

The one whispering everything is okay.

Which is why I wonder if it is bad I had gust for the wind to do the opposite

To catch a red flag of surrender

Purely off guard.

I want some simple control back 

Around my curling finger.

I can always playfully treasure

What has fell off point 

From the golden rule

To ghostly ways.

I don't have to be downright serious.

I want to rise above what is breathtaking.

I want to be one with the unseen wind.

In other words, I want to freely whisper my love in a self taught upward swim

And not think of the mysterious breaking bubbles once the lightness of my mingling heart touches the warmth of the sun.

I know my heart is loose sand...

But it purely needs no guard.

There was so much to scoop up,

But not dug up.

All I have to do is curl my finger

And let what is meant to slip past.

I wish some people knew how much love I had/have for them.

That if they didn't turn - afraid of having a blind eye from a possible unseen storm, 

That if they given/gave more of a chance,

I would/will drop like a small bag of rocks into their hand at the right moment.

How will I ever have the time to let feelings cleanly be seen?


I wish some people could truly grasp I accept them.

That everything is okay.

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