The other person

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Yea sorry there's a lot before the actual truth or dare,but at least it's here now...
The guys POV
The man in black crept in through the window and looked around. 'Yes nobody is in this room!' He thought. He heard footsteps sounding like they were coming into that room though. The man in black looked around frantically and dove behind the bed. He rolled under it just as the door opened. "Huh could've sworn I heard something..." One of the warblers said.
The warblers walked back out and shut the door. The man put his hand over his heart and waited a few seconds before rolling out from under the bed.
He crept to the door and opened the door a bit.
The coast was clear.
He crept out into the hallway and went to the room with the most noise, thankfully the door was already opened a bit so he could see inside.
"What do we do with them Hunter?" One of them said. "We wait until they start to stir, then we hide and wait for them to go to where the party is so we can crash it." The man answered. "Somebody untie them."
A few minutes later
Rachel POV
"Ughhhh..." I groaned. I look around. 'Why am I in my room and why is Finn next to me...' I shake the sleeping boy awake and look at the clock. "AHH THE PARTY!!" Finn looked at me confusedly (I don't know if that's a word...) and I dragged him out. I rushed down the stairs and went to the basement to see the New Directions weren't worried.
"Hmmm... Oh hi Rachel! Hi Finn!" Sam said. "We were just trying to figure out what game we should play." Kurt explained.
"Ooo how about truth or dare?" Quinn suggests. There was a bunch of yes's so I told everyone to sit in a circle.
We look at each other wondering who should go first when we hear some noise behind us.
Blaine looked at the newcomers with suprise and happiness.
"Oh hey guys! Wanna play Truth or Dare with us?" Blaine asked. The New Directions all looked at him with disbelief.
"Uh Blaine... they weren't invited." Tina pointed out. (🙄 I really hate Tina...) The New Directions all looked at me so I was rushed to make a decision. "Uhhh sure?" I say. Some of my friends shuffle so the warblers can fit in the circle.
Nobody POV
"Who wants to go first?" Artie asks. "Me." Sebastian says. "So Hunter, Truth or Dare?" (Hehehe truth or dare) "Truth." Hunter replied. "If you were to make out with any of the boys in this room who would it be?" Sebastian said with a smirk.
Sebastian POV
'Oh god please let it be me. I get he's not gay but that doesn't mean I can't like him. Right?'
"What do you not understand about not even remotely Bi-curious? Can I get another one?" Hunter says. "Oh okay." I hope my disappointment doesn't show...
Sorry I have to add this...
"Uhh.. what would you want your name to be if it wasn't Hunter?" The warblers look at me with suprise. I get it... that was a lame question big deal. "I actually like the name Tyson."
Sorry I had to.
Comment if you got the reference!
Anyways if you don't I'll probably tell in the next chapter.

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