(Part2)Second meeting/ they wake up and you meet them

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I drew liu's knight
bloody painter

You were on the docks where you had met that mysterious masked man again, just looking out at the sea, you hummed quietly as you brought out your personal camra to take a few pictures,

"It's beautiful, isn't it" a familiar voice said, you turned to look at the male

"Oh! Yes, yes it is very beautiful" you said after your initial surprise.

"I never caught your name, although i also did leave in a hurry, i suppose that left no chit chat for you and I?" He said "but would you do me the honors of giving me your name?" He said a hint of a smile on him

"(Y/n), and yours?" You giggled a bit.

"Oh my manners, seems they flew off! But i am Helen, it's very nice to meet you little (y/n)" he said patting your head

"I'm half a foot shorter than you" you bluntly replied

And that was the start of a beautiful relationship


You were currently rewatching some Clint Eastwood when you heard a ticking sound

"Who are you cuase yer not one of my clocks?"  You inquired standing up and puasing the movie

"None of your buisness" the person said

"Are you that pretty fellow from yesterweek?" You asked  "with the clock eye?" You added

"Maybe" it said sounding a bit defeated

"Can you please wait to kill me, i'm watching Clint Eastwood and.  it would be a tragedy if i died in the middle" you said plainly, hand resting on your hip

"I'm not gonna kill you, i just want to talk, and can i- can i watch with you?" She tentatively asked

"Of course, i'm willing to share my clint east wood collestion with anyone! Just don't damage them, i'll make some snackes" you said smiling giddily "names (y/n) by the way!"


And thats how clockwork became a cowgirl

jane the killer

You were in your bed a week after meeting that pretty girl, and now you were trying to sleep, you felt somthing crawl over you

"Go to sle-" he let out a how, of pain as you kicked his crotch he fell off the bed, jane had went in through the window planning on saving you but was surprised to see jeff on the floor holding his crotch, you sat up groggily growling, you fell off your bed and took a pipe from under your bed

"Death come to those who wish for it, knowingly or not" you growled as you raised the pipe in the air " now go before i bash your head in, you whore"

Jeff managed to crawl out your window letting out a pained wail

"Well, i see you handled yourself, (y/n)" the woman said

"Whats your dang name, and stop sounding ominous without saying ominous shiz...." you muttered

"Oh, i'm jane, jane the killer" she chuckled

"Well nice to meet you darling jane" you said smiling "but its 3 am and i really to sleep for once in my life, so let me go to sleep" you then said

"i hope to see you again, don't let jeff kill you" jane said before leaving

"If anything i'll kill jeff" you mumbled before passing out

Ticci toby

You were sitting on the swings in the same park as when you saw that boy. You were swinging gently. You were humming softly, until you heard a twig snap you tilted back upside down, you saw the same boy you saw a few days ago.

"Hello there!" You greeted happily. The boy panicked but didn't move

"Oh, he-hello" he said as his arm jerked

"What's your name, i'm (y/n)!" you asked smiling brightly

"Oh, i'm toby..." he said as his head jerked to the side, he walked over and sat on the swing to your right.

(Sorry i didn't have much ideas for this and dialogue is hard)


You were back in the woods, sleeping on another thicc branch. You were humming softly, you heard a twig break and turned your head, you saw a feminine white mask with black lips and eyes.

"Hello mysterious blob" you mumbled as you slowly started to fall asleep again, your vision blurred

"Eh? My name's maskie" he said, kinda embarrassed

"(Y/n)..." you mumbled before curling agaisnt the bow known as maskie

"Wai- wake up, hey, i-i-i u-u-uh, eh" maskie stutterd, but you were already sound asleep

Maskie then poked you, your hand shot up and maskie fell off the tree

And so you were friends


You were walking down the road again, when you saw a familier orange hooded male, he looked up and saw you, he began to walk towards you, so you panicked and began to walk faster, as you were passing him he dragged you into an alley,

"Please don't kill me" you squeaked putting your hands up

"Kill? Oh, sorry for scaring you" he mumbled "i just remebered you from last week"

"Oh... um" you stuck your hand out "well i'm (y/n), and you?" You said smiling

"Hoodie!" He said a smile upon his voice

Homicidal liu /sully

You were back from a get together with your friends, before you left you had put liu in your bed.

You had cooked breakfast and made some bread, you walked up the stairs and opened the door, the most likely is a murderer was halfway out the bed already

"Gaaah!" He screamed and fell off the bed

"I made breakfast" you announced calmly

"And why are you wearing a full suit of armour!" He yelled "and why do you have a loaf of bread on your head?" A deeper voice said

"I met up with my friends and since your here i couldn't change" you said before setting down the plate on the nightstand

"Now eat" you said as you lifted the most-likely murderer back on your bed and patted his head

"My names (y/n)" you said

"Liu" he replied "sully" a deeper voice added

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