Chapter Nine

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Craig's POV;

if i wanna get a chance of a relationsh-

ahem, friendship. obviously.

if i wanna get a chance of a good friendship with tweek, i have to prove myself. like, get rid of the scary, mean craig and fill his head with a new image, the knows-how-to-have-a-good-time-but-doesn't-over-do-it craig! yeah, sure!

after 5th period bell rings, all of the kids rush to the cafeteria.
but i just stay in the science teacher's room for lunch,
maybe i can get tweek to join me for lunch in here and build our friendship up more.

but i doubt he'd agree to that.

i'll just yeet him in here. sounds good.

i keep looking for tweek but i can't find him at all,

wAit is that him??? and kenny??? ah shit..

"TWEEK!" i shout, running up to him.

"i seriously need you right now, it's the science teacher's room it's a mess!"
kenny deaths stared me.
"since when did you care about messes? especially in school? does it even affect you the slightest?" kenny snapped back at me.
"w-well, i thi-think craig is right.. ACK- i-it sounds important!"
oh my god thank you tweek.

"yea, cmon tweek." i grab his hand, leading him to the science teacher's classroom.

i slam the door and lock it before kenny can get it as well.
"w-where's the mess?" tweek asked while looking around the room.
"twitch, are you that oblivious? i was getting you away from kenny." i say as i get my lunch box out and start eating.

"w-what!? we can't be in here! its-its breaking the rules!? why do you even need me away from k-kenny? is he trying to ki-kill me? wAIT ARE YOU GONNA KILL ME HOLY SHIT MAN IM SORRY-" tweek starts panicking.

"tweek! calm down! jesus, just.. kenny isn't a good person, you don't need to turn out like that whore.." i respond in my monotone voice.

"o-oh.. sorry."
"don't be sorry. you didn't do anything.."
awkward silence fills the room.
"h-hey since i don't have a lunch.. can i have some of you-your food..?"
"oh yea.. sorry about that." i say as i slide my lunch box to him.
"w-wait not all your lunch! just a chip w-would be f-fine! j-ju-just take your l-lunch back im n-not even hungry-" he, again, starts panicking.
jesus what have his parents done to him?

"dude it's fine. if anything im not hungry. just take it." i reply, slightly irritated.
"s-sorry.." he apologized as he sat down and ate my food.

again, awkward silence fills up the room.

"hey. what are you doing this weekend?" i ask, staring at my phone.

"GAh- u-uh,, no-nothing most likely.. w-why?" he twitched,
"just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out. i might go to the planetarium near denver."
"o-oh cool! h-honestly i think space is pretty cool!" he says cheerfully.

holy shit he loves space too? it's like he's my soulmate!

well soulmate, like my soul-bestfriend of course. duh.

"oh my god. do not get me started about space." i excitedly in my monotone voice, as i lay my phone down.

Tweek's POV;

"dude i have to talk to you about everything now, so anyways here's something like really cool about space, it's like dead silent. like not one sound dude. and you know halley's comet? that's not gonna orbit the earth again til 2061! and there's so many stars and-"

i listen to craig go on and on about space, it's super cute how obsessed he is.

ok ok, i'll admit i'm pretty sure im bi.. or gay, but like  im not attracted to craig in any shape or form man. im still a little scared of him. but can you blame me? he bullied and beat me up more than i can count!

"... and like i would love to go to space and see it myself.. if i could get a space suit i'd be soooo happy.. and did you know a nasa space suit cost $12,000,000 dollars!? that's insane. also neutron stars can spin up to 600 times per seco-"

i literally can't hold it in anymore, i accidentally giggled. it's so adorable though! oh shit wait is he mad?? oh no nonnonono..

"wait what's so funny" he looks so incredibly confused, hehehe..
"heh, s-sorry.. i just love hearing you go on a-and on about space.. it's r-really interesting" i giggle.
he frowns, "oh, sorry.. sometimes i get ahead of myself.. i-"
"n-no craig! keep going , it-it's cute." i smile.
w-wait sHit did i say that out loud.. oh fuck now he's gonna be so weirded out oh fuck man..

Craig's POV;

did he just call me cute?
holy shit man, i feel like i could squeal like a 13 year old who just met harry styles holy shit man.

i try to play it off cool and pretend im mot freaking out about it the slightest. i just hope im not..

ah fuck... i'm blushing.. goddammit.
whatever, it's not big deal unless i make it a big deal..

and i'm making a big deal about it...

i smile ever so slightly, "weeelllll if you really want me to keep goingggg..."

"so basically.. nasa believes that there might be a planet made of diamonds which would be pretty handy in minecraft you know.. hehe... anyways so..."

Author's note;
gehehehehehakhaia sorry for another long chapterrrr, again i got to into the story or whateverrrrr. hope you peeps like it so far:))

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