Raven: "Who's the kid?"

Tai sat down with a frown on his face.

Tai: "Yeah, Summer. Who's the kid? You've told me nothing so far."

I took a seat on a chair where they could all see me and I could look at them individually. I'm not sure of the right way to say this so I guess I'll just tell them everything.

After explaining how I found him and how he was fighting an Ursa almost on his own, they seemed a little shocked. Well, Tai was looking a little annoyed but I chose to ignore that. Raven was the first to speak.

Raven: "Well, I think you did the right thing. He is a sweet kid from what I've seen."

Tai mumbled something and I only heard a little bit of it. Something about a dirty faunus. I hadn't actually considered that he might be a faunus but it would make sense with the monkey tail. I cleared my throat.

Summer: "Tai, what do you think about having him stay here?"

Tai: *Scoffs* "Why would I want a dirty animal like him to live here?"

Raven, along with myself were shocked. That was more than uncalled for. Tai was never usually like this, what was wrong with him? I sat there gawping and looked at Raven who had the same expression. Raven turned to Qrow.

Raven: "Back us up here Qrow."

Qrow took a slug from his flask and let out a burp. That was disgusting.

Qrow: "I agree with Tai on this one. The boy should be taken to an orphanage.

Raven stood up and slapped Qrow with so much force he I thought his head might come off. She then did the same to Tai and I was gasping again. They both looked just as shocked as I was, maybe a little angrier though.

Tai: "What the hell Raven?"

Raven: "There is a homeless and injured child in your backgarden. He is lost, he doesn't even know who he is and you want to just throw him out like last weeks leftovers? You disgust me Taiyang. I don't even know how I loved you in the first place if you are acting like this now."

Tai looked down in what looked a little like shame but he was still angry as his fists were clenched. He looked from me to Qrow before sighing loudly.

Tai: "He can stay if he pulls his weight and proves to be useful."

I wasn't exactly happy with those terms but if it means F/n can stay then I can live with that. I stood up to tell F/n the good news but a loud scream caught our attention. It sounded like it came from Ruby.

We rushed outside to see a pack of Beowolves surrounding F/n, Ruby and Yang. Ruby was crying in a ball and Yang was trying to push the wolves back. F/n looked to be injured and was doing his best to keep Ruby safe. I was about to jump in when a Beowolf leapt at Ruby, claws outstretched. She let out a scream and got ready to take the hit when F/n stood up in front of her and caught the Beowolf in his hand.

A blue explosion, much like the one yesterday, came from his hand and the Beowolf exploded. I saw a red aura around him like I had before and watched in amazement as he began to draw the Beowolves away from the girls and towards him. Tai, Qrow and I ran over to them and rushed to get them inside the house.

(F/n POV)

I had managed to get the big doggies away from Ruby and Yang. I don't know what I did with my hand but it was really cool. I had tried to do it again but when it didn't work, I just shouted at the doggies to get them to follow me. Mummy and Daddy had taken them inside with a man who I didn't recognise. The tall woman from earlier was watching me from by the door.

Strength and Pride (Rwby x Abused Saiyan Reader)Where stories live. Discover now