I can be your hero

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this is yet another poem to my daer friend 'Jesse' ^.^ .. hope you people like it .

I see you trying to push away,

The demonic monster within.

So I won't be the next pray,

You can feel it under your skin.

you're pushing me away too,

afraid that you would hurt me.

But it's time to let you know.

you're not as bad as you seem.

You just need the light ,

to show you the real you.

you need to be told it's alright,

to act and feel bad sometimes.

behind everything you show,

something good and right inside.

You just have to dig deep below,

I'll help you and will be by your side.

I can be your hero if you want me to be,

I'm not afraid of your demonic monster.

I can save you from it and set you free,

And I don't care if I got cut and hurt.

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