You're Awake

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Gabriel jerked around when he heard his name being called. To his surprise, he saw the love of his life with her eyes open, looking over at him with a warm smile. "NATHALIE!" Gabriel exclaimed, tears in his eyes, "You're awake!" He ran over to her and kneeled down beside her, grabbing Nathalie's hand and holding it close. "You're awake you're awake you're awake you're awake..." He muffled as he cried, "I missed you!" Nathalie smiled at him, "Hi Gabriel." He looked up at her, "You remember me..." He gently cupped her cheek, tears falling from his eyes. Nathalie leaned in and said, "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" Gabriel sighed, "Oh, no reason. I'm so glad you're ok." Nathalie kept the warm smile on her face as she said, "Me too, though I'm not exactly sure what happened..." Gabriel sighed once more, "Well, it's a long story. It'll be better if I tell you it when you get home, I don't want anyone hearing us." Nathalie huffed, "Oh, alright. I can't wait to hear it." Gabriel smiled. ~ A few days later, Nathalie was finally released from the hospital. "Hey Gabriel?" She said as they were exiting the hospital. Gabriel looked over at her, "Yes dear?" Nathalie sighed, "Can we go to your place?" Gabriel nodded, "Of course, I'll take you there myself. Follow me." Nathalie nodded back and followed Gabriel into an alleyway. "Nooroo, dark wings rise!" He transformed into Hawkmoth smirking, "Now, let's fly my little akuma." He flung Nathalie's bag over his shoulder, grabbed hold of Nathalie, "Hold on butterfly." He smirked and jumped up to a building, heading back to his house. Nathalie rolled her eyes, "Are you just gonna keep calling me names related to our miraculous?" Hawkmoth looked at her, still smirking, "Of course my akuma, because I've always felt akumatized by your beauty." Nathalie groaned, "I hate you.." He snickered, "I love you too my dear." ~ A few moments later, they reached Gabriels house. He jumped into his bedroom window, holding onto Nathalie as he hit the floor saying, "Dark wings fall." He walked over to his bed and sat Nathalie down on it. "Well, we're back." Gabriel sighed, "What do you wanna do?" Nathalie let out a thoughtful hmm, "Can you tell me what exactly happened? You said you would tell me once we got home." Gabriel huffed and sat down next to her, "Please don't kill me Nathalie.." Nathalie gasped, "What did you do?!" Gabriel grabbed her hand, trying to calm her down, "Don't worry, I didn't cause much damage. Everything was fixed by the villain's power." He sighed and begun his story, "So, after you were put into a coma, I was a wreck. I felt empty and alone. So, when I was finally released, I akumatized myself, trying to save you myself. After I did so, I started reeking havoc, using my power so I was ready to bring you back. I went to the hospital and wiped out the entire place, saving it for us. After I had taken a good amount of people, I used my power on you, and you woke up. But, you had lost your memory. You didn't remember me, or anything for that matter. You were so frightened and scared. I had you transform, and you wouldn't stop clinging on to me. You were sad when I let you go. We then went to fight. I got the black cat miraculous. But then, then you almost died. I forced the villain to save you and then you came back to me. I'm sorry." He stayed silent, afraid of what Nathalie would say next. "Oh, you did that, for me?" Gabriel nodded gently, "I protected you with my life." Nathalie couldn't help herself, she broke down in tears, her head falling onto Gabriel's lap. He gasped and said, "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Nathalie mumbled, "No, you did nothing wrong. In fact, you did everything right. You got the miraculous, and you saved me. I couldn't ask for anything more." She smiled up at him, a gesture which he returned. "So, you're not gonna kill me then?" Nathalie laughed, "No, I'm not gonna kill you. But, I will do this." She partially sat up and pulled him into a kiss. Gabriel seemed shocked at first, but he immediately kissed her back. ~ "So, you wanna spend the night?" Gabriel asked Nathalie after they were done. She nodded, "Yes please, that would be amazing." Gabriel nodded back and said, "We should probably get ready then." He smirked and laid down on his bed, gesturing for Nathalie to lay down beside him. She smiled as she laid down beside him, Gabriel wrapping her in his arms. Nathalie smiled, cuddling up closer to Gabriel. She sighed, "Hey, Gabriel?" Gabriel replied, "Yes?" She sighed once more, "We'll always be together, right?" He nodded, "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way." She secretly slipped something in her pocket as she took something out of it. She placed the object under a pillow without him noticing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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