But why?

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The next morning Nathalie woke up saying, "Hawkmoth...Hawkmoth...Hawkmoth..." When she opened her eyes she realized what she had been saying and clapped her hands over her mouth. "Looks like someone's in love!" The little blue kwami flew over to her and landed on her shoulder. Nathalie sighed, "I'm not Dussu, I just, well I..." Dussu smirked, "You love him!" Nathalie huffed, "No, yes, maybe, maybe not." She growled to herself and got out of bed, getting ready for the day. She walked into her closet and grabbed some red sweatpants, a baggy blue shirt, and a purple butterfly hoodie. After she got dressed she walked into her bathroom and said, "I should probably talk to him, see how he's doing." She sighed as she brushed her hair, "I think that's what you do when you're in a relationship, right Dussu?" Dussu nodded and said, "That sounds about right." "Alright." She put her hair up into a ponytail and said, "I'll try and find him after breakfast. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a box of cereal and taking it to the couch, eating out of the box while she watched tv. ~ Gabriel woke up with a yawn, "Good Morning Nooroo." Nooroo yawned as well, "Morning Master Gabriel, did you sleep well?" He nodded with a smile, "I spent the whole night thinking about her, and I slept better than ever." He sighed happily and got out of bed. He grabbed a pair of jeans and a red shirt and got dressed. He fixed up his hair in the bathroom and said, "I should go and see her later." Nooroo nodded, "That would be a smart thing to do Master Gabriel." Gabriel was about to tell him to stop calling him Master, but he realized that it would never happen. He huffed slightly walking out of his room and into the kitchen. He grabbed a ready meal out of the freezer and heated it up. Once it was done he sat on the couch eating his food and watching tv. After he finished he got up and said, "I'm gonna go see how she's going, and see if she wants to hang out. Nooroo, dark wings rise!" Nooroo got sucked into the brooch, transforming Gabriel into Hawkmoth. Once he was transformed he jumped out a window and ran across town, heading to Nathalie's house. ~ After Nathalie had eaten a good amount of cereal she put the box away and went upstairs to her room. She walked onto her balcony and sat down on the edge. A sudden strong breeze came in and Nathalie, being half awake, was knocked off the edge, plummeting to the ground. She started to scream. ~ Hawkmoth was on his way to Nathalie's house when he heard a scream. He followed the sound and found Nathalie, falling to the ground. He quickly swooped in and caught her. "Why would you do such a thing! Everyone loves you! You have so much to live for!" He started ranting about how she has so much to live for, and Nathalie, her mind not functioning, just nodded and fell asleep. Hawkmoth sighed and took her back up to her room, laying her down on her bed. He gently shook her, "Nathalie, are you alright?" Nathalie stuttered awake, "H-Hawkmoth? Yeah I'm fine, why would you ask?" "BECAUSE I JUT SAW YOU FALLING FROM YOUR BALCONY TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF AND YOU HAVE NO REASON TO AND-" He started to tear up before was stopped by Nathalie saying, "Shh, it's alright. I wasn't trying to do anything, I just fell, that's all." She pulled him into a comforting hug. Hawkmoth just cried on her shoulder, "I don't want to lose you Nathalie, you're so lucky I was in the area." He laughed a tad and Nathalie smiled and petted his hair, "And you won't lose me, I promise. And I also owe you my life for saving me." Hawkmoth mumbled, "It was nothing." Nathalie scoffed, "Nothing? You saved my life! And I owe you big time." Hawkmoth sighed, "You don't have to do anything..." "Of course I do! Hm...I know! I'll let you akumatize me, but not like the times before. I want you to fully control me." Hawkmoth gasped, "What?! No, I can't do that to you." "Please...You need to practice your powers, and I have to do something for you, so this is perfect!" He sighed, "Are you absolutely sure about this Nathalie? You know the dangers of being akumatized like that, it's not safe. And I don't want to harm you." Nathalie nodded, "I'm sure." "Fine, I'll akumatize you. But I have to go, that way it will be a fully natural akumatization. I'm gonna wait though, when you least expect it. And make sure to have powerful negative emotions today, but let them come on their own." Nathalie gave him a look and said, "Why..." Hawkmoth interjected, "You wanted to be akumatized right? Well I'm going to give you a proper akumatization. Love you, see ya." He jumped out of her balcony, leaving Nathalie blushing. "I-I love you too." She mumbled. "Ok, now just go on like a regular day." She told herself, "He's gonna make it natural." She sighed and got her mind back on track. ~ Hawkmoth made it back to his house and jumped into his window. "Since my parents aren't home, I should be able to stay like this until my prey is ready." He smirked and sat down on his bed, grabbing his phone to pass the time. ~ Hours passed as Nathalie went on with her day, which mostly consisted of laying in bed and playing on her phone. Every once is a while she would get up to use the bathroom or to eat food, but otherwise she was in bed. She eventually forgot about the akuma that would join her soon. Suddenly she got a text from her enemy, Audrey. It read, 'You know what Sancouer? You're ridiculous utterly ridiculous! Emilie told me everything about how you have a crush on Gabriel! And it's ridiculous UTTERLY RIDICULOUS! Gabriel is mine, so back off!' Nathalie dropped her phone and started crying. Even though she was in love with someone else now, or at least she thought, she still was extremely hurt by what Audrey said. "I thought Emilie was my friend, but it turns out she's not...She betrayed me!" She punched the wall with the side of her fish and started sobbing. ~ Hawkmoth was sitting on his bed watching tv when suddenly he felt an emotion. A very powerful one for sure. Yep, it was Nathalie. He smirked and said, "She wants an akumatization, then that's what she's gonna get." He tapped his staff and a butterfly flew out. He cupped it in his hands, transforming it into an akuma. "Fly away my little akuma, and take over my loved ones soul and give her what she desires!" He laughed evilly as the butterfly flew away. The akuma flew across town and went into Nathalie's bedroom. ~ Nathalie was holding a picture of her and Emilie in her hands, crying and shaking. The akuma flew over and merged with the picture, summoning the emblem on Nathalie face. "Treason Queen, I am Hawkmoth. I'm giving you the power to get rid of people who have wronged you, or let them repay you by becoming your servants." "Yes Hawkmoth." Nathalie was unaware that she knew she had asked to be akumatized, and now she was under Hawkmoths complete control. She had a dark red dress and red hair done in a long braid. She also had golden crown headband laying upon her head. She laughed evilly and jumped out her balcony, reeking havoc in Paris.

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