Dying Slowly

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Nathalie's heart rate was dropping quickly. A team of nurses were doing their best to keep her stable. She had a breathing mask around her mouth, giving her the oxygen she needed to breathe. She had a big bandage wrapped around her neck. She had an IV in her arm, keeping her asleep as it injected sedatives into her system. She slept peacefully as she was taken into the operating room to get stitches on her neck. ~ Gabriel was also asleep; his blood pressure really low. He had an IV giving him fluids, keeping him hydrated and sedated all at once. He was rushed into an operating room to begin surgery on his leg and arm. The cloth was unwrapped from both his leg and his arm, revealing the gunshot wounds he had. The doctors preformed surgery, removing the bullets and patching up his leg. "He's gonna have to be here for a while," A doctor spoke, "He's not gonna be able to move for at least a week." ~ After both Gabriel and Nathalie were out of their surgeries, they were taken too the same hospital room, laying by each other. The doctors turned off Nathalie's sedative but kept Gabriel's on, since he had a big surgery. Nathalie started to blink awake. "H-Hawkmoth." She mumbled, naturally wanting her boyfriend. But when she turned her head and saw Gabriel laying on the bed across from her, she realized that Hawkmoth wasn't there. She suddenly realized, "Hawkmoth and Gabriel...are the same person?!" She exclaimed. "Let me make sure." She got out her phone and called Hawkmoth, but she saw Gabriel's phone ringing and the exact same moment. She squealed of happiness, "YES!" She started crying tears of joy. Those tears of joy quickly morphed into tears of pain. Suddenly, she felt an aching pain in her neck. She moved her hand and felt the bandage wrapped around her neck. She sighed and closed her eyes, falling back asleep. ~ Two hours later Gabriel woke up. When he opened his eyes, he saw the beautiful girl laying on the bed next to him, also waking up. "Hey." Gabriel mumbled. "I'm guessing you-" Nathalie interrupted, "Yes, I found out, Hawky." She smirked, "To be honest, I wouldn't have had it any other way." She smiled at him and he smiled back. "So, how are you doing?" Gabriel asked, "How's your neck?" Nathalie sighed, "It hurts, a lot. But I'm more worried about you. You got shot twice, or at least I think so." He nodded, "Yes, I did. But I'm glad I'm the one who got shot, and that it wasn't you." "Gabe..." Nathalie started. "You didn't have too." He nodded, "I did. I had to save you. Those people who took you, they're after me, and probably you as well." Nathalie showed signs of fear, "Very well then. I suppose once we get out of here we go and find them?" He nodded, "Yes, that's what has to be done. In the meantime, you should get some rest. In fact, I think we both should." She nodded slightly, "Goodnight Hawky." "Good night my Peafowl." ~ While they were asleep, nurses came into the room to check their vitals. Nathalie's pulse started dropping rapidly. "Oh crap!" Nurses yelled and cursed and they ran over to Nathalie, trying to stabilize her. "Cmon, Cmon." The started injected more fluids into her system, but it wasn't helping enough. "No! Cmon! Stay alive!" The yelling and the chaos woke Gabriel up, "What is happen- OH MY GOD!" He yelled one he saw Nathalie, who was dying. "NATHALIE!" He yelled, tears filling up his eyes. A few nurses ran over to him and started giving him medicine to keep him calm. After it started to take effect he was no longer yelling. In fact, he was feeling so calm that he started to fall asleep.  By then, Nathalie was almost gone. She had a nurse giving her cpr and other nurses giving her fluids. After a while, she started to become stable again. She was breathing normally and her pulse was normal once more. She was sleeping peacefully as if nothing ever happened.

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