Hawknath Time

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Hawkmoth ran across roofs, enjoying the morning breeze as he searched for Mayura. When he didn't spot her he sighed and was about to head home before someone catched his eye. A girl with gorgeous dark blue hair, with red streaks all around. He was immediately captivated by her; taken into a trance by her beauty. He slowly walked over to her and said, "Hello Miss." He smiled at her. ~ Nathalie was staring out into the distance when suddenly a voice behind her made her jump, "Oh, um hello." Hawkmoth replied, "Sorry to startle you Miss, I just couldn't help myself to come see this beautiful akuma." He smirked, clearly amused by his pun. Nathalie tried to stay as clueless as she good, but it wasn't easy trying not to get herself lost in his gleaming, golden hair; that sweet smile of his. 'Snap out of it Nathalie!' She thought to herself before she responded, "And why would you say that?" Hawkmoth jumped down and walked up to her, "Because I've been akumatized by your beauty miss. What's your name?" Nathalie smiled and blushed, this was the first time anyone said that she was beautiful, "Um, yeah, my name is Na-na-Nathalie." He smiled, "Nice to meet you Nathalie." He kissed her hand. Nathalie simply nodded, "Yes, nice to meet you too...uh..." She played clueless the best she could, "Hawkmoth," He responded, "I'm Hawkmoth, but you could call me Hawky for short, I have a friend that does the same." Nathalie nodded and said, "Hawkmoth." She smiled, "Do you wanna hang out for a bit?" 'Did I really just ask him out...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU NATH!' She thought to herself. Hawkmoth smiled, "That would be lovely Nathalie." She led him inside and they sat down on her bed. "So, tell me more about you," He said, "I would love to get to know you." 'What are you doing Gabriel? You're in love with Mayura, not Nathalie.' He yelled in his head. "Well, I'm a student at Francois DuPont," She pointed to her hoodie, "I'm 15, I like to dance, I love butterflies and peacocks..." She started to list. Hawkmoth replied, "Then I guess it's your lucky day Miss." he tapped his staff and a butterfly flew out. It flew around the room before landing on Nathalies nose. "Wow, this is incredible." She smiled and laughed a tad. "Wanna see me turn it purple?" He smirked, "But don't worry, it won't do anything." She nodded and let him cup the butterfly in his hands, turning it into an akuma. The akuma flew back over and landed on Nathalie's nose again. "Are you going to..." Nathalie started before she was interrupted, "No, I'm not going to akumatize you." He assured her, "Do you want me too?" He knew it was a silly question, no one would ever want to be willingly akumatized. "Sure." She smiled at him, "I don't mind." His brooch flashed, he only had four minutes left. "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." He let the akuma absorb into Nathalie's earrings and the emblem appeared. Nathalie's eyes closed and her head fell before jerking back up, her eyes opening inside the emblem. "Um...what power do you want?" Hawkmoth asked. Nathalie whispered something in his ear and he nodded. "Anigirl, I am Hawkmoth. I'm giving you the power to transform yourself into any animal, and to be able to control and speak to them as well." Nathalie laughed, this was so much fun, "Yes Hawky." She got transformed into Anigirl. Hawkmoth blushed when she said his nickname. Nathalie, or rather Anigirl, said to Hawkmoth, "So, what now." His brooch flashed, indicating that he was about to transform back. "Is it ok if I go into your restroom, I need to transform back. The akuma will stay in." She nodded and said, "Sure, go ahead." Hawkmoth walked into her restroom, looking the door behind him. "Dark wings, fall." He detranformed back into Gabriel. He grabbed a cookie from his pocket and handed it to Nooroo silently, letting him eat. ~ Anigirl started testing out her powers. First, she was a cat. Then, she was a peacock. After that, she was a butterfly. "WOW! THIS IS AMAZING!" She yelled as she flew through the air. She smiled and said, "We should do this more often Hawky." She said towards the door, transforming into a tiger. "I'd like that." Gabriel said back to her. Nooroo was fully charged up now, "Nooroo, dark wings, rise!" With a flash of purple he transformed into Hawkmoth. Before he could walk out, Anigirl had become a butterfly and was hiding on the ceiling. He sat down on her bed and she jumped down, transforming into a tiger on her way. She roared and made Hawkmoth scream. Anigirl fell down laughing, "You should've seen your face Hawky!" She muffled through her laughs. "Yeah, yeah, very funny." He smirked, he had to admit, she got him good. "Now we can either play this two ways, you can stop scaring me, or I'll control you." Nathalie let her stubbornness get the better of her as she said, "Have fun seeing a tiger pop up all day." She turned into a butterfly and flew out the window. The emblem quickly appeared and she suddenly became vulnerable. "Come back now." She listened to Hawkmoths orders and flew back inside. "Told ya I would control you." Nathalie suddenly started to feel extremely vulnerable, becoming just like a puppet to Hawkmoth. "Might as well have some fun." He smirked. "Anigirl, go to the Eiffel Tower." "Yes Hawkmoth." She obeyed and flew to the Eiffel Tower. She started to lose her soul to the akuma, becoming more a puppet per every second. Hawkmoth suddenly realized this and yelled through to emblem, "NATHALIE! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Nathalie snapped out of her trance and said, "Hawky? What am I doing up here?" "Just come back." He spoke gently. She sighed and flew back to her house. "What was that about?" She sat down beside him. "I'm sorry." A few tears started to form. "What? Why?" "I...I controlled you. I'm so sorry." He felt really bad for what he did. "Hey, it's alright. You probably needed to practice anyways." "THATS NOT THE POINT! I hurt you Nathalie..." She pulled him into a hug, "It's fine Hawkmoth, don't worry." "So, we can still be friends?" She nodded, "Of course. You can come over whenever you want, just wait for me on my balcony." He nodded. "Thanks Nathalie." "Anytime Hawky." She smiled at him and he smiled back.

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