Oh No...

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Nathalie woke up in a dark, cold room. Her hands were handcuffed to the back of a chair. She tried to speak, but a cloth was wrapped around her mouth. She tried to move her body, but she was chained to the chair. She saw a shadow approaching behind her, "I would try to escape if I were you." She suddenly felt the sharp end of a knife against her throat, "Unless you want to die." Nathalie sighed and stayed still. "Good girl." Ocellata smirked, "Now, you're going to help me and my partner." Another figure walked in-front of her. They had a black cat suit with a belt for a tail, and a bell hanging from their collar. "Good job bugaboo, you found someone." They laughed evilly, "By the way, I am Foncé. Nice to meet you." He smirked at Nathalie and walked over, standing next to Ocellata. "Now, you're going to tell us where the butterfly miraculous is, or else, we will kill you." Ocellata laughed evilly and pressed the knife harder against Nathalie's throat. ~  Hawkmoth followed the akuma, anxious to find her. The butterfly stopped in front of a dark building in the middle of an alley. "She must be here." He mumbled quietly to himself. His miraculous beeped, "Oh crap." He almost forgot, since he used an akuma to find Nathalie, he only had a few minutes left before he transformed back. He looked around and found an empty dumpster, "Uh, this is for you Nathalie." He climbed into the dumpster and said, "Dark wings fall." He detransformed back into Gabriel. "Hurry up and eat Nooroo, we have to save her." He handed Nooroo a small pretzel and he quickly took it, gobbling it up within seconds, "I'm ready Master." Gabriel nodded, "Nooroo, dark wings rise!" Once he was fully transformed he hopped out of the dumpster. He cautiously approached the building, sneaking in through and open window. "Nathalie, Nathalie..." He started whispreing as he carefully walked through the building. ~ Nathalie started hyperventilating, but she was quickly stopped by the knife going into her neck, trickling out some blood. As if on command she bowed her head in obedience to the two villains, showing that she surrenders her fight. ~ Hawkmoth was sneaking through the building when suddenly he felt a terrible pain in his arm. His arm was red and dark. He screamed as he saw a figure in the distance, holding what seemed to be...a gun. He yelled, "NATHALIE! WHERE ARE YOU!" He started running, not caring about his own pain anymore. ~ Ocellata removed the cloth around Nathalie's mouth, letting her breathe normally again, "Now, tell me more. Or I will kill you." Nathalie spoke with tears in her eyes, "I don't know who he is, but I do know that-" She was interrupted by Hawkmoths yelling, "HAWKY!  HELP ME!" She screamed before she was suffocated again, falling unconscious. ~ Hawkmoth heard his call and he yelled as he ran, "IM COMING MY DEAR!" His arms started gashing blood. He stopped momentarily, looking for something to hold his wound until he could get to the hospital. He found a cloth lying on the floor. He picked it up and wrapped it around his wound. "That'll do." He mumbled before he kept running. He came across a dark, cold room and went in. Inside, he found Nathalie unconscious body tied up to a chair, a knife stuck a few centimeters into her neck, blood starting to trickle out. "Nathalie..." He mumbled, tears in his eyes. Ocellata approached behind him, with Foncé right beside her. "Hello Hawkmoth." She smirked, "I think it's time you give us your miraculous." Hawkmoth growled, anger and rage filling his voice and expressions, "I think you should give me your miraculous! I was told to watch out for you two, and that I should do whatever it takes to get your miraculous!" He bolted forward, hitting Foncé tin the ribs with his cane. "And you, stay away from MY NATHALIE!" He punched him in the face. Hawkmoth then turned to Ocellata, "And you...If you ever lay a finger on her again, you and I are gonna have some problems." He snarled at her before picking up the chair that Nathalie was in, taking her away. He felt another sharp pain, but this time it was on his leg. No matter how much it hurt, he kept going. He took the chair with Nathalie in it and ran away, hiding out close to the nearest hospital. He unchained and untied Nathalie before gently taking the knife out, wrapping her neck with a cloth. "Dark wings fall." He gently picked her up and took her inside the hospital, his leg throbbing and bloodstained. "Someone! Help!" He yelled as he stumbled into the ER entrance. "OH MY GOD!" A nurse exclaimed, running towards the couple. "Code 4, I need two hospital beds stat!" She talked into her walkie talkie before taking Nathalie from Gabriel's arms. He muttered, "Make sure she's safe before you worry about me." He mumbled and the nurse nodded, "Well have you both in a room together." About 4 nurses came out with 2 hospital beds. Nathalie was carefully laid down in one, and Gabriel stumbled and laid down in the other. They were quickly rushed into a hospital room and the nurses started checking their vitals. "She has a low pulse, get an IV stat." Gabriel could heat nurses talking, "He needs surgery to fix this wound." He gasped as she heard that. Suddenly he felt an IV going into his arm. He started to get really drowsy and fell asleep, laying in the hospital room with Nathalie.

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