Stay with me

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Nathalie had adjusted her bed to where she was sitting up but laying down as well. She pulled out her phone and texted Emilie, 'Hey. Em. Sorry about everyone that happened r u ok?' A minute later she got a text back, 'Yea, I'm fine. How r u?' Nathalie hesitated whether or not she should tell her. She sighed, "Hey Gabe?" Gabriel mumbled, "What?" He was just coming out of his second dose of sedation. Nathalie sighed, "Do you think I should tell Emilie that we're here?" Gabriel mumbled, "Whatever you want Peafowl." Nathalie sighed and mumbled under her breath, "Looks like someone's in a mood." Gabriel gave her a sharp look and said, "I just had two surgeries and I'm all drugged up, leave me alone." He pulled the blanket over himself and started to fall asleep. Nathalie rolled her eyes and texted Emilie back, 'I could be better. I may or may not be in the hospital right now.' 'WHAT?!' 'I'm fine, don't worry. I can't tell you anything more.' Just then Dussu and Nooroo flew back into the hospital room. Nathalie quickly texted Emilie, 'Gtg' She sat her phone down and said, "Where were you two?! Where did you go?! And what do you have?!" Nooroo said, "Calm down Mistress, everything's fine. We just went to Master's house to update him about the situation, that's all." Nathalie sighed, "And what do you have in your hands?" Dussu piped in, "Oh! These are miraculous!" Nathalie gasped, "Why did you go get miraculous?" Dussu replied, "So just in case the bad guys come back, your friends can fight them!" Nathalie sighed, "You guys, you didn't need to do that. We'll be able to fight. But these could always help." She smirked and grabbed the miraculous' from the two kwamis. "By the way, which ones did you get?" Dussu smiled, "We got the mouse and the snake!" Nathalie smiled and opened one of the boxes. A pink light shone and a mouse kwami was formed, "Hello! I'm Mullo and I'll be your kwami!" Nathalie smiled as she put on the necklace, "Nice to meet you Mullo, I'm Nathalie. I won't be transforming right now, but you're welcome to stay." Mullo nodded, "Thanks Nathalie!" ~ Nooroo flew over to Gabriel and said, "Master? We have something to show you." Gabriel mumbled, "What is it Nooroo?" Gabriel asked, waking up. "We got you the snake miraculous!" Nooroo smiled, "Just in case of an emergency and you need extra powers." Gabriel was shocked, "W-what?! The snake?!" Nooroo nodded and handed the box to Gabriel. Gabriel took the box and when he opened it, a green light was shone and a snake kwami was formed, "Hello, my name is Sass and I'll be your kwami." Gabriel smiled, "Nice to meet you Sass, I'm Gabriel." He slipped into the bracelet and looked over at Nathalie, "So...I'm guessing we have boosted powers?" Nathalie nodded, "That we do. It's just incase something happens and we need more strength or something like that." "Very well then," Gabriel nodded back at her, "I'm guessing we'll have to practice sometime soon?" Nathalie smiled, "After we get better of course." He nodded, "Of course." ~ A few minutes later a doctor and two nurses came into the room. All of the kwamis quickly hid, scattered across the room. "Mr. Agreste, Ms. Sancouer, how are we doing." Nathalie answered first, "I'm doing fine, for the most part. My neck is extremely sore and hurts, but other than that I'm fine." The doctor nodded and turned to Gabriel, "And you?" Gabriel sighed, "Well, my everything hurts, and my leg feels like it's pounding. And I also have a headache." The doctor scribbled down some notes and said. "Thank you. Would you like some pain medications?" Gabriel nodded, "Yes please." The doctor scribbled some more stuff down and said to one of the nurses, "Can you get this for me please?" The nurse nodded and left the room. "Nathalie, are you having any trouble breathing?" She nodded, "Oh, yeah that. Yes, I still am." The doctor sighed and walked over to her, adjusting her oxygen levels. "Better?" She nodded, "Thanks." "No problem. If you two need anything don't be afraid to press the button." They nodded and the doctor and nurse left the room, "You meds will be here any minute." After they left all of the kwamis flew back out. "Hey Gabe, when do you think we'll be able to go back out again?" He sighed, "I don't know Nath, I really don't know." ~ "Mr. Agreste, your meds." The nurse came back in, causing all of the kwamis to hide. "Thank you." He grabbed the meds. The nurse nodded and left the room. All of the kwamis feel back out once more. "If no one is gonna come in," Nathalie smirked, "Mullo, get-" She was interrupted by Gabriel saying, "Wait! Are you sure you'll be able to hold on, I don't want you getting hurt..." Nathalie smiled, "I'll be fine Gabe, I promise. Mullo, get squeaky!" Nathalie transformed with the mouse miraculous. "Dussu, Mullo, unify!" She unified the two miraculous. She had her usual Mayura dress but it had more pink, and her hair was in two space buns. Gabriel said, "Wow, you look amazing." She smiled, "Thanks." She took out her jumprope, "So cool! Multitude!" "Nathalie wait!" But he couldn't stop her, she had already wrapped the jump rope around herself and had used her power. Now there were tiny versions of herself everywhere. "Nathalie! Someone could come in!" She sighed, "It's Mousealie, but you're right." She sighed as she reunited herself into one person. "Mullo divide. Dussu fall my feathers." Once she was back to regular Nathalie she sighed, "As soon as we're out of her I'm gonna do this again." Gabriel sighed, "That's fine with me, but please wait." She huffed, "Fine, I'll wait." ~ A few moments later she started having a coughing attack, and she stopped breathing. Gabriel panicked and started hitting the doctor call button, "Please come please hurry please don't die Nathalie." Nurses rushed into the room, "OH MY GOODNESS!" Nathalie no longer had a pulse. "NATHALIE!" Gabriel yelled, crying. Nurses ran over to her and started preforming cpr and fixing her oxygen mask, doing their best to keep her alive. Gabriel was crying, "NATHALIE! NO!" A few nurses came over to him to try and keep her calm, but nothing worked. He ran out of his bed, barely making his way over to Nathalie's bed. He grabbed her hand, "Nathalie...I'm here...please don't leave me..." He mumbled, tears streaming down his face. ~ After 10 minutes or so, Nathalie was slightly stabilized again. She had a small pulse and was breathing again. Gabriel had not left her side, kneeling by the side of her bed, "Do you guys think you could move our beds together?" Seeing the pain in his eyes, the nurses nodded and moved the beds together. Gabriel climbed into his bed, still holding Nathalie hand. ~ Nathalie now had multiple IVs in her arms, a tightened breathing mask, and a heart rate monitor. She was on the edge of living and needed to be monitored closely. But it seemed, as long as Gabriel was holding her hand, she remained stable and alive.

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