EP. 16 - Emotions

Start from the beginning

The boy peaked over from the arm rest and hurried into her arms as she saw she was up. "Mama!"

Niya was taken aback by his embrace but smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. "Niko," she spoke, "are you alright?"

Niko looked up at her and nodded. "Uh huh. But," he glanced at Natu, his voice shrinking to a whisper, "who is that?"

Niya smiled warmly at him. "Niko, he's your grandpa."

The boy's eyes grew wide. "I have a grandpa?"

The saiyaness nodded. "That's right. And you have another grandma, too."

"Oh," Niko was in awe.

Niya patted his head with a smile. "Why don't you say hello?" she whispered to him, tilting her head to Natu.

Niko turned to Natu, who was smiling patiently. "O-Oh, um...," he began nervously. "Hi."

"Hi," Natu smiled. "My name is Natu. What's your name?"

"Nicholas," the boy replied, still clutching his mother.

"Nicholas, huh?" Natu repeated. "That's an Earth name, isn't it?"

Niko looked confused and turned to his mother.

Niya nodded. "That's right. Nicholas is his human birth name. I like to call him Niko, though. Isn't it cute?" she ruffled his hair.

"Sure is," Natu smiled. "Is it okay if I call you Niko, too?"

The boy was hesitant and glanced at his mother again. "He's asking you, silly. Not me," Niya giggled.

"O-Oh, um," Niko turned back to Natu. He stared for a few moments before giving a light nod.

"Alright," Natu smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Niko."

Niko seemed less tense and formed a small smile. "Nice to meet you, too."

Natu felt warm at his smile and stood. "Are you two, hungry?" he asked. "I'm sure Ken-La's got something ready."

"Yeah!" Niko bounced on the sofa. "Auntie LaLa makes the best food!"

"Niko, no jumping on the sofa," Niya chastised him, taking him into her arms as she stood. He began to squirm.

Natu chuckled a waved a hand. "Ah, let him have his fun."

Niya slightly frowned as Niko continued to squirm. She sighed and gave in, letting Niko return to his bouncing.

Her father laughed. "Wow, I never would've figure you and your mother were so similar."

Niya slightly flinched. "Are we really?" she asked.

Natu's smile faltered a bit at her reaction, but decided to not ask her about it. "Yeah," he nodded. "In the best way, though. I promise."

The saiyaness gave a weak smile. "Thank you. I'm glad you think that."

Just then, Ken-La stepped into the room. "I'm surprised you haven't gone into the kitchen, Natu," she mused.

The tall saiyan laughed sheepishly. "I was asleep. But, let's eat!"

The saiyan family then took their seats at the table and ate some of Ken-La's special plate: curry.

Niya sat next to her father with Niko on her lap. Across from her was her mother, Makona.

From beside her, Natu could feel her tense, and under the table, he held her hand and gave it a light squeeze.

The gesture put her slightly at ease, and she began to eat a bit from the plate her and Niko were sharing.

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