30 - Happy Happy Birthday

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"You're 33. Thirty. Three. Almost 40. Ew." Seth says to his cousin.

Nala rolls her eyes. "Gee thank you Seth, thank you for such a gracious remark. I am nowhere near 40!"

He grins and hugs her. "You know I love you."

She hugs back and rolls her eyes. Lilo comes in, all grown up and looking more like her mom daily. "Can I come?"

"Oh sure, I'm gonna take a 14 year old to a bar!" She says sarcastically. "Not a chance. You can help Seth with Effie coz she's got that project due Monday." Lilo huffs and storms out making Nala roll her eyes. "Love you too!"

"Just go have fun, will you? It's a new era for you, you're 30 and flirty and thriving. But three years older." he grins.

"Okay Jenna Rink." She rolls her eyes and has him zip her black dress up. It's one shouldered, and you'd be surprised to know her scars aren't covered. She's proud of them now.

She kisses her girls heads, Effie now almost 10. "Get your project done, tidy your room and then maybe Seth will order pizza."

Both girls nod, not looking away from the TV. She just rolls her eyes and goes, throwing money at Seth as she does. Nala never goes out anymore but the girls at work talked her into it and so here they are.

She smiles as she sees Cameron waiting. "Hey you."

He smiles and kisses her. "Wow, look at you. Happy birthday." He says, opening the csr door for her.

She climbs in with a smile of thanks, the driver taking them to the bar. He holds her hand as they go inside; Cam is a few years older than Nala but she's always liked older men so what's new there. He's in banking, he's got grown up children with his ex wife and he treats her well. She's been seeing him on and off for a few years now. And it's been years since she saw him... Or the family for thst matter.

"Hi hi!" her friends shriek, all hugging her.

She smiles and hugs back, accepting a drink and falling into the motion of things. Cam keeps his hand on her hip to comfort her, knowing she hates social situations but she does it for those around her.

She excuses herself to go to the bathroom, doing her business and heading out as she sees him. Oh god, him him. "Hi..."

"Hi." He smiles, frozen as she is. "I feel... I feel as if I know you."

"I um I work at Mercy Hospital, maybe there? I also take my kids to a park near here a lot." She shrugs small playing dumb.

"Oh probably the hospital... I don't know I just... Nevermind. Enjoy your evening." He bows his head.

Nala walks away, exhaling slowly. It still hurts. It's still raw. Cam frowns. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing baby, I'm okay." She assures him as she kisses his cheek. "I'm gonna go for some fresh air."

He watches her go, still frowning. Nala finds a quiet nook outside and exhales slowly, leaning against the wall. "You shouldnt come out here alone."

She jumps out of her skin. "JESUS CHRIST ARO!"

Aro laughs. "Surprise. Isn't that what people want on their birthday?"

"Yes but not one that makes them wanna pee." She huffs and holds a hand over her chest. "Dear God."

He smiles. "Do I not get a hug?"

She sighs and hugs him. "Hi."

"Hello. Happy birthday." He says gently. "It's been a while..."

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