13 - Set The Record Straight

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I'm tired, it's 1am, but here is an update as promised. Ignore the many mistakes there are (which there are MANY) and enjoy!

Nala throws her books and folders in the trunk of the car and sighs; she definitely doesn't feel like she passed that exam. She flopped. But after everything that's happened these past few days, she can't find the strength to care if she fails or not. Losing her daughter is worse than losing her dream job. Easily.

She climbs in the drivers seat and smiles a little when she sees a rose laid on the dash, a note under it. She gently pulls the note out and reads it.

I'm proud of you, beautiful. I'll see you this evening and you can fill me in on everything. Jx

Nala tucks the note back under the rose and takes a picture of it, sending it to Jasper; he won't see it until he turns his phone on but oh well. Despite everything, this all fell on top of his weekend hunt with his brothers - he couldn't cancel, it had been too long since he last fed.

Thank you handsome - have fun, catch a grizzly for me. Xx

She's just about to tuck her phone away when it begins to ring, Katherine's name flashing up. Bile rises in her throat as her thumb hovers over the answer button and she slowly raises it to her ear.

"Hello?" She swallow hard and grips the steering wheel; she looks up and sees Esme walking over from the trees a few feet from the parking lot, a frown on her face - Alice.

"Miss Holt... Is it a convenient time to meet?" Katherine says. "I have a pretty urgent matter I would like to discuss with you."

Nala watches Esme as she climbs in the car, silent, and listens to the conversation. "Y-yeah, well I'll be home in about an hour? I've just finished my exam and I have to pick Lilo up in a half hour but we will be straight home after-"

"It has to be now, Miss Holt."

She looks at Esme. "Okay... My mother-in-law will get her then. I can be home in 20 minutes."

"See you then, Miss holt."

The line goes dead and Nala hangs up, her heart racing. She takes a few deep breaths as Esme takes her hand. "You need to go home. Alice said... Alice said it's important to the case for you to get there as soon as you can."

"They're... They're not gonna take her are they?" Nala whispers as her eyes well.

Esme shakes her head. "No, but that's why you need to go, go now. You need to get your story told before it's too late."

Story? Oh... Oh. "W-why now?" Her hands begin to shake.

"Just... Please Nally, get home. Be safe, okay?" Esme force a smile and kisses her cheek before she's gone.

Nala sits for a moment before she shakily turns the key in the ignition and pulls out of the parking lot. She runs a few reds and pushes over the limit a few times before she turns off down the driveway, then off again down theirs. She parks up just as a car pulls in behind her and parks beside her.

She slowly climbs out as Katherine does, a dark skinned male doing the same. "Nala... Lets take this inside."

She nods small and unlocks the door, quietly offering coffee. Neither accept as they sit at the table and she slowly does the same, looking at the intimidating individuals in front of her.

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