24 - Face Off

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Jasper stands and kicks dirt over the fire, looking over at Alice who nods. He turns to his family, and Maria. "It's time. Dacre is headed our way, we're going to meet him halfway. He's probably expecting us."

They all nod and begin to run north, towards the mountains. Nomads tend to stay in places away from humans, but close enough to a civilisation which they can kill inconspicuously. He and whoever he's in contact with are probably hidden in the lower forests of the mountains.

It's not long before they're greeted with their own kind, blocking the path, all with red eyes. "Who are you." One of them demands.

"Jasper Whitlock. A friend of Dacre." Jasper says in a calm voice. "I believe he's probably expecting us."

The man smirks. "Come on then." He says, nodding behind them.

Cautiously, the Cullens and their friends head in that direction, surprised at the amount of vampires seemingly here. Usually they hide in no more than pairs, threes at most; the vegetarians and volturi are an exception. In the centre of them all is Dacre, his young face mischievous as it always was; Jasper remembers the boy instantly, how he used to be so shy and nervous. Clearly that boy has gone, adapting to the life he was cruelly thrust into.

He sits in a tattered denim jacket, probably from the 1960s, and some worn jeans, stained with dirt and blood

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He sits in a tattered denim jacket, probably from the 1960s, and some worn jeans, stained with dirt and blood. He wears no shoes, and no shirt under the denim jacket. He smirks as Jasper and claps his hands. "Jasper Whitlock, hero to all!"

Jasper rolls his eyes. "Dacre. Immature as always, I see."

He smirks. "Maybe... I am technically 15, I mean I'm bound to act immature sometimes. My life is frozen in time."

"So was mine. My father's, brothers, sisters." Jasper shrugs. "Do you see any of us acting in such a manner? This vendetta you have, why now?"

Dacre shrugs as he looks at Maria, hiding behind the Cullens and Leon. "Because she's still alive. She's still creating."

"I haven't created a life in decades." Maria interjects. "I have changed, I am not the same person."

"But it doesn't excuse what you did!" Dacre snaps. "You took hundreds of lives and ended them as you pleased, you acted like God! You're not worthy of that! You took me from my mother and I killed her from thirst! You destroyed so many lives. So fucking many!" He yells.

Maria shies away in silence, no response she could give would have the ability to defend her actions. Her existence has drifted so far from what it used to be, but there's a constant looming cloud of her past hanging over her. She destroyed hundreds, if not thousands, of lives for what? Her own selfish needs.

"It wasn't just her. What about Nettie and Lucy?" She finally says.

Dacre smirks and laughs. "You dealt with them for me, remember? You're the last thing left of that coven that I loathe... Except Jasper, I suppose. And his favourite pets." His eyes flick to Peter and Charlotte.

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