1- Moving

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The small one bedroom apartment is quiet; boxes line the hallway, fill the small kitchen/livingroom while the bedroom houses suitcases, a sleeping baby and a stressed out mama. Nala stares at her baby sleeping, watching as her chest rises and falls as her chunky, dark hands clasp the stuffed giraffe on the end of her binky.

"You understand why mommy's doing this, right?" She says to the sleeping infant. "You won't hate me for taking you from that man... I only want what's best for you."

Of course, Nala didn't get the desired response that would give her comfort and consolidate that this is the right move - to move from her home in New York, to the other side if the country to Forks, Washington. Her sister Emily had talked her into It, after a stern 'I told you so' lecture about her mistakes. Bit too late for it now.

Nala sighs and finishes packing things into the box; by now their living on essentials, no t.v. or internet, no ipad or car even - it's all packed or been sold to help pay for the move.

After finally giving up, she tucks her angel up in her crib and goes to the livingroom, spreading out on the couch as her phone rings with a FaceTime call. "Hey." She yawns as she answers.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Emily scowls at her little sister.

Nala shrugs. "A little. Lilo is teething so she was up a lot."

"Well soon you'll be here and I can take the little booger!" Emily grins, her scarred face excited. She has three long claw marks down her cheek, passing her neck; her sister was mauled by a bear a few years back and it shocked the whole family.

"Feel free too. All I keep hearing is 'Emem!'." She giggles.

Emily squeals. "I can't wait! Oh, Sam says hi."

"Hi Sam." Nala calls and she hears her brother in law chuckle from behind the phone.

"Hey kid. What time you landing, I'll come pick you up?" He has to crouch down to fit into shot.

Nala checks the ticket beside her. "If all goes well about 4pm. That's giving that I make it to the airport."

"He doesn't know. You will be fine and in less than 24 hours you'll be too high above him for him to stop you. And then I get to see my Lilo!" Em smirks.

Nala rolls her eyes but before she can reply she hears her baby fuss. "Hang on." She calls as she throws the phone aside and runs to the bedroom. Lilo stands in her crib crying, rubbing her eyes; her black curls are all over the place, sticking in every direction. "Hi baby, mommy got you." Nala coos to the infant as she carries her to the livingroom. "Look who called."

Emily smiles as her sister picks the phone up again, this time her chunky baby niece in view. "Lilo!"

"Emem." Li points at the screen as she rubs her eyes. She's clever for 20 months of age. "Sammy!" She says a little more enthusiastic.

Sam smiles as Emily gasps. "Hey little pupper." He smiles and waves, causing Lilo to enthusiastically wave back. "I gotta go, I'll be at the airport when you land Na."

"Thanks Sam." She calls as he heads out of shot. She looks at her sister. "Am I doing the right thing?"

"100 percent. I love you, and I can't wait to have you close by again. I'm gonna help you through this, nerdball." Emily smiles gently.

"Har har, enough with the names short stack." Nala sticks her tongue out. "Say bubye Emem see you soon." She says to her daughter.

Lilo waves gently and blows a kiss. "Bye bye Emem." She waves more.

My Major | Jasper WhitlockOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz