"How did you tame it?" I ask, shocked that a ruthless creature is sat calmly on the floor in front of me.

"We didn't really. It approached us once the bombs went off, lay at our feet and wouldn't move until we were on its back. It seemed to know us or something." Karen pets Craig's fat and swollen nose.

"We'd better get going kiddos," Kenny reminds us, "We only came here to rescue you, Tricia, and now we've done that, we've got to go to a safe place. This place is crawling with mutations and hordes."

"Gross." Karen wrinkles her nose.

She takes her brother's hand and lets him help her onto Craig's back. Once she's settled, she grabs onto a thin rope tied around the creature's thick neck.
Kenny offers me a hand and I almost take it, until I remember a certain someone who has been awfully quiet whilst we've been talking.

"Oh my god!" I face palm, "I completely forgot about Gregory."

"Who?" Kenny asks.

"Gregory, he's paralysed. We can't just leave him here."

I run over to where he had been lying.

Oh my god.

The scream leaves my lips before I can even processed what has happened.

"What's going on?" Kenny rushes over. He looks down into the hole and gags. "Jesus Christ. I am so, so sorry Tricia."

Gregory's face has been squished, presumably by Craig's gigantic feet, and his entire body crushed. Blood is leaking from the cavern in his chest and his bones jut out at odd angles, like a rose's thorns.

A comforting hand pats my back and another holds my arms to lead me away from the harrowing scene. I'm lifted onto Craig's back without me even thinking about it and Karen wipes the tears from my cheeks with her thumbs. She offers me a kind smile, but I'm too disturbed to accept it. She seems to understand.

Kenny lifts himself into the back of the beast and slaps the thing's thick thighs until it lets out a loud roar. Suddenly, it jumps to its feet and begins running towards the hole it burst through earlier. There's an uncomfortable squish as it squashes Gregory for a second time and I feel like my heart has dropped out of my chest.

Galloping like a giant mutant horse, Craig squeezes his way through the holes in the walls he had previously burst through, barely giving us enough time to duck to avoid being knocked out.

It only takes a few minutes to get outside and the cool, fresh air hits me immediately. Sunlight blinds me, the wind stokes my dusty skin, voices fill my ears.

"She needs medical attention immediately," a man's voice dominates the rest, "her lungs may be damaged from all of the smoke in there."

I'm suddenly grabbed by the waist and lifted off Craig's back then laid down on a stretcher. My head hits a soft pillow and a thin blanket is placed on top of me.

"I'm fine," I protest, attempting to sit up. I'm pushed back down by a strong hand. "Seriously, I'm fine! Just let me go."

"I'm sorry, miss, but we just want to check you over as a precaution before bringing you back to the base. You may have been infected by an airborne disease whilst in there. The explosion spread some of the plague around to some of our group."

"I'm immortal. I can't die or get infected." I try to explain, but they just ask me to be silent as they lead me through a large open area crawling with zombies.

To prove a point, I drag my forearm across a jagged bit of metal on the stretcher. Blood splatters across me and the blanket, causing the survivors to cry out in horror. Hurriedly, they reach for some bandages, but by the time they look back up my wound has healed itself.

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