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"Help you escape?" Henrietta laughs, "as if. Why would I do that?"

"So you don't have to be ordered around by someone like Gregory. I can tell you hate him." Karen rises to her feet.

Defensively, Henrietta crosses her arms and scowls at her as Karen approaches her. She clears her throat.

"I uh- I don't know what you're talking about," she tucks some hair behind her ear, "Gregory saved us."

"That doesn't mean you can't save yourself from him. Think of all of the things he asks you to do- watch two girls overnight instead of getting a good night's sleep, for example," Karen places a hand on Henrietta's shoulder. She's at least five inches shorter than the fat girl, but this doesn't seem to bother her, "doesn't it annoy you that you can't all make decisions? If he's not letting you be free, did you ever leave Mitch's group at all?"

Silent, Henrietta stares at the hand on her shoulder. She slowly nods her head.

"Okay. I... I guess it wouldn't hurt to have some freedom." She mutters.

"Good choice." Karen smiles.

I can't help but think that was too easy, but the apocalypse is draining everyone and making them easier to persuade. I mean, we are kids after all and we just want a normal life.

"So, what's your plan?"

At the door, Firkle is watching us, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded.

"Our plan is simple. You guys have to let us out." Karen replies.

"Huh?" Henrietta and Firkle raises an eyebrow in unison, "us?"

"That's what I said, right?" Karen confirms, "we get into a car and you guys get the gates open. Tell them you're going on a late night supplies run or something. We'll drive over with the car and pick you up."

Shaking her head, Henrietta starts laughing. Laughing so hard she's doubled over, clutching her stomach. Even Firkle gives a tiny snort.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"God, you guys are sooo dumb," Henrietta splutters between laughter, "how old are you, ten?"

"Sixteen, actually..." I mumble.

"Your plan is fucking dumb. The gates are only opened by Pete and he clocks off after dinner and you'll never guess what time it is," Henrietta sarcastically pretends to look at a watch, "Plus, there's no way Pete would let us out after dark. It should be obvious why."

I look to my feet.
We can't stay here until morning. There's no way we won't be killed or seriously punished for stealing from these guys, especially since they're ex-Mitch people.

"Give me two minutes. Find the car. You'll know what to do." Firkle pipes up, then gives an awkward finger-gun before rushing off.

Exasperated, Henrietta gives a small sigh and shakes her head.

"That kid is so strange." she mutters.

"I just hope his plan works, whatever it is." Karen adds.

She comes and sits beside me, then rests her head on my shoulder. I find her hand and squeeze it to comfort her.

"You okay, babe?" I ask.

"Yeah... just a bit worried we aren't getting out of here." She replies in a whisper.

"Me too." I sigh.

Then, I accidentally drift off to sleep without realising. When I wake up, I'm being carried outside by Henrietta, who is surprisingly comfy to be held by.
She's walking hurriedly, but cautiously. I realise that we must be heading for the car.

"Hey, the pillow princess is awake. Can I put her down yet?" She calls out to Karen, who's hiding behind a bush. She puts a finger to her lips and glares at Henrietta, "jeez, I was just asking."

Henrietta catches up to Karen and drops me on the floor behind the bush. I land with a thud and luckily don't injure myself on a sharp twig on the ground.

"What's going on?" I ask, keeping my voice as low as possible.

"Firkle's stolen the key from Pete and they're unlocking the gates now. We're just waiting for Gordon to move so we can get in the car behind this bush." Henrietta explains.

"One sec." I whisper.

After quickly checking that Gordon isn't looking in my direction, I dart across the grounds and crouch behind a half wall with some loose bricks. I grab one of the bricks and toss it a few feet away from me.

Henrietta glares at me and mouthes "the fuck?"

The noise of the brick hitting the ground gets Gordon's attention and he spins around.

"Is anyone there?" He calls out, "you know it's past curfew."

When nobody replies, he rolls his eyes and starts heading towards us. With a terrified look in her eyes, Karen tries to make herself as small as possible so he doesn't see her.

As Gordon approaches, I grab another brick and put a finger to my lips. Henrietta looks like she wants to yell at me, but she mimes zipping her mouth closed.

"If anyone is out after curfew you need to come with me now," Gordon shouts, "you'll be reported for breaking group rules unless you go back to bed immediately."

He steps closer, but not close enough.
With an annoyed grunt, he turns away and heads back to where he was originally standing.

I check the wall for another loose brick, but there aren't any left, aside from the one in my hand.

I look over to Karen and Henrietta, who are checking their area for anything to use. Karen pulls a rock from her pocket, but it's too small to make enough noise.

"Hey, Gordon!" A voice behind me yells.

Immediately, we all freeze. Karen lets out a panicked squeak and Henrietta slaps a hand over her mouth.

"Come check this out," The voice calls again, this time sounding really familiar. Oh fuck, it's Mark, "You'll never guess who I've found."

Love Bites ~ Craig of the Dead au ~ Tricia x Karen fan fiction [COMPLETE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن