"You can't take them!" I yell, "leave them alone."

"Be quiet or I'll make you." Threatens the masked woman, cocking her gun.

I shut my mouth.

Firkle doesn't even protest as they are pulled to their feet and half-dragged out of the room. It's almost as if they don't care.

"You're next," the masked woman points her gun at Karen, "so say your goodbyes, girlie."

"You can't do that!" I yell.


A piece of wall plaster falls on my shoulder after being shot.

"Last warning." The woman growls.

She slams the door shut and quickly locks it, even though it's pretty much impossible for us to escape with our tied up hands.

The second it shuts, Karen bursts into tears, sobbing uncontrollably until she's also hyperventilating.

"Karen, listen to me. You're listening, yeah? Do whatever they ask you to do and they might not hurt you. Tell them whatever they want to hear, okay?" It almost physically hurts me to hear her crying like this. We've been together for a long time and it's never gotten this bad, "I- I can't promise that we'll get out of this one alive. But just know that... I really love you, okay?"

"I-I love y-you too." She manages to say between sobs.

"Remember that time we... uh.. remember that time we got 'married' in that old church? We wrote vows and I forgot mine?" I force a laugh at the memory to try and cheer her up, but I don't think it works, "I remember yours like the back of my hand, though. You told me that-"

"I love you more than puppies and you're a prettier sight than a rainbow," she finishes, "I remember."

She's stopped hyperventilating and her crying has slowed down.
I wrack my brain to try and think of more comforting memories.

"Remember that department store where you thought the mannequin was a lady?" I ask.

"Oh god," she giggles, "I thought she was injured, didn't I?"

"You thought it was dead," I correct her, "you wanted to bury it outside until you hugged it and realised it was plastic."

Karen giggles again, only seconds before a loud gunshot next door.
Henrietta gasps loudly.

"Oh my god..." she mutters, "oh my- they've fucking killed Firk. I am so going to murder that masked bitch with my bare hands the second I'm let out of here."

"Try to stay calm," I tell her, "we don't want to do anything we might regret."

"Says the one who keeps yelling at that whore." She snaps.

Beside me, Karen is hyperventilating again And we're sat close enough that I can feel her shaking so much that she's vibrating. Her breaths become shorter and more frequent as she struggles.

"Baby, listen to me, you've gotta tell them everything you know. Do anything they want. Speak when spoken to. Don't do anything I would do, okay? You're going to be fine." I try to stroke her leg in an attempt to be comforting, but whatever is tied around my hands prevents me from doing so.

"You promise?" She asks between pants, "you promise I'll be okay?"

I hesitate.

"I can't promise that, baby, I wish I could, but these people are crazy."

The truth is harsh, but I don't want to make such a big promise when I'm not sure if I can keep it.
I mean, what if they kill her after receiving all of her information? We don't know how tough these guys are.

Love Bites ~ Craig of the Dead au ~ Tricia x Karen fan fiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now