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Feeling all eyes on me, I take a seat on the end of the table, on the opposite side from Christophe, beside Karen and Kenny. Joining us at the table are two more people.

One is a ridiculously skinny black guy who is only wearing a cloth wrapped around his waist and a quiver full of arrows. At his side is a long bow which looks really sturdy and well made, despite the fact that it appears to be manmade. I mean, it would have to be. Weapons from before the apocalypse are hard to come by these days.

The second is a white muscular guy with black hair cut closely to his head. Like the other guy, he's wearing only a cloth wrapped around his waist, showing off his insane muscles. With an old scar under his cheek and a large shotgun in his hands, he looks quite intimidating. I wouldn't want to get on his bad side. Like the other guy, he's wearing only a cloth wrapped around his waist, showing off his insane muscles.

I'd know that scar anywhere.

"Stan?" I grin, "It's been so long, how's it going?"

He turns to me, a puzzled expression on his face, "Do I know you?" There's a hint of an accent, from somewhere that isn't America. Has he been travelling for the past five years? "You know my before-name. I must have met you."

"Yeah, I'm Craig's younger sister," He pulls another blank expression, "Craig, from Tweek's gang. You guys had a police station as your base, but it burned down because of K-" I trail off, "It burned down so Karen and I left. You really don't remember all of this?"

"You speak as if I knew these people. I'm sorry, but I think you have me mistaken for someone else."

The other guy turns to him and says something in a different language. It isn't French, but it isn't anything I recognise (although there are thousands of languages out there so it's probably impossible for me to recognise them all) so there's no hope of me making out anything they're saying. Stan seems to understand and replies in the same language.

"Enough of the reunion. Tricia, I 'ave brought Marvin and Chidike to this meeting because I believe we can all help each other. I have heard from your... what's the English word for petite amie again? Girlfriend? Thanks... anyway, we heard from your girlfriend that you are aware of the lab everyone is looking for?"

I nod.

"Perfect. So, I have also heard that you are in possession of the only book that contains the code giving the whereabouts of said lab?"

I nod again.

"Good. Can I see it?"

"Um. No."

"Excuse me?" Christophe raises his voice.

"I don't have it. I haven't had it for a while, I have no idea where it is."

"Fuck!" Christophe slams his fist on the desk in frustration.

"Ooh!" Karen suddenly jumps to her feet and begins feeling around all of her pockets. Her hand finally curls around something and she pulls her fist out of her jacket pocket, a ball of paper scrunched up inside it, "Here."

She tosses it across the table to Christophe, who catches it with one hand. He raises an eyebrow at her.

"What the fuck is this?" He takes his cigarette out of his mouth and crushes the end on the table, ruining the pretty wood.

"Open it and find out!" Karen sits back down.

Grumbling under his breath about dumb kids, Christophe opens the paper ball and smoothens it out on the table. His eyes widen and he looks back to Karen. He's got the final page of the book right in front of him, showing the code.

"You are a fucking angel!" He exclaims, looking pleased for once. He realises how uncharacteristically happy he is being and clears his throat then frowns again, "You had it in your pocket this whole time?"

"Never underestimate a hoodie pocket," she grins, "Thanks for the hoodie, Kenny."

"No problem, princess." Kenny smiles.

Christophe motions for stan (or Chidike) and Marvin to join him at the end of the table. The two lean over and peer at the paper. Marvin says something to Chidike, who nods in agreement. The two of them start prodding at parts of the paper, pointing out important parts of the code to the other. Christophe appears to know part of their language, but not enough to know 100% of what they're saying, so he doesn't join in.

"So what'll happen now?" Karen asks Kenny.

Kenny, who is now wearing a blue wristband, says, "I don't know, princess. They're probably going to find the lab together and do what they need to do in there. I don't know what's actually in the lab, but there's rumours that the cure for the virus is in there."

A cure for the virus would be amazing, but it doesn't seem right that it's just there and nobody has found it yet. If there's a big lab sat somewhere, surely someone would've found and raided it by now? What if the cure or whatever is in there has been taken already?

Christophe clears his throat, bringing our attention back to him. Chidike and Marvin have sat back down.

"We believe we know where the lab is and we're going to go there. You guys can come too I guess, since you helped us find it." Christophe reluctantly tells us.

"That's cool!" Kenny grins, "When are we setting off? I'm sure we'll all be ready in a few days. I mean, Tricia has to heal after that tranquilliser h-"

"Tonight," Chidike interrupts him, "We leave tonight."

"What?" The three of us exclaim.

"Trish isn't going to be ready by tonight! She got hit real bad by that sleep dart thing!" Karen feels around for my hand under the table and gives it a comforting squeeze once she finds it.

"That's too soon, we're all too worn out after your attack." Kenny argues.

"If you don't want to come, that's fine. But we're going tonight, like it or not." Christophe scowls, getting to his feet and walking out of the room to end the conversation.

Love Bites ~ Craig of the Dead au ~ Tricia x Karen fan fiction [COMPLETE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ