Mark's voice grabs Gordon's attention and he starts making his way back over. I don't want to move in case he spots me, but I have no idea where Mark is.

When Gordon passes us, I breathe a sigh of relief. I pluck up the courage to turn slightly to see where they are, luckily making no noise.
Gordon and Mark are peeking around a corner, where some rather crude noises are coming from.

"Damn. I can't believe Annie is with him of all people." Gordon whispers.

Whilst the two of them are distracted, I dart around the wall so I'm hidden. When I look across to the bush, Henrietta and Karen have done the same.

Now, I can see a large pickup truck parked facing the gate which Firkle is trying to unlock with a ring of many keys.
The truck is yellow, with a multitude of scratches, dents and blood spatter. Inside, the leather seats appear to have been chewed, due to large chunks missing from the head rests.

Henrietta jerks her thumb in the direction of the truck and mouthes "now", then grabs Karen by the hood and drags her towards the vehicle.
Before getting in, they check the coast is clear. Since the two boys are distracted by Annie and her partner, it's safe to get in.

The doors shut as quietly as possible, but it isn't quiet enough.

"What was that?" Gordon asks.

"What was what?" Mark responds, a little too quickly, "I didn't hear anything."

"Are you sure? It sounded like it came from over-"

Mark cuts him off, punching him in the face so hard he flies off his feet, hitting the floor with a loud thud. Gordon's head slams into one of the bricks I threw earlier. He doesn't move.

"Oh shit..." Mark mutters, running a hand through his hair, "Oh shit... shit!"

Hesitantly, he grabs Gordon by the feet and starts dragging him towards the bush. I internally panic, knowing he'll see me once he gets there.
It's now that I realise I'm still holding a brick. I could easily knock this asshole out, assuming he doesn't move too quickly.

I get the brick in a comfortable position in my hand, then get ready to throw it. Mark is currently at a perfect throwing distance - there's no way I'll miss this shot.

He takes another step closer to the bush. Another step closer to being knocked out.

Three more steps to go.



I throw the brick. At the very last second, he trips over his own feet and the brick flies past him. His head snaps over in my direction.


"D-don't move!" I quickly pretend to go to grab a knife, "you don't want this to get ugly."

With an eye roll, Mark gets back to his feet and grabs Gordon by the ankles again.

"I knew you were there the whole time." He whispers.


"Why else do you think I got Gordon to look at Annie and Bradley?" He scoffs, "hurry up and get out of here. I don't want to see you ever again."

"Why are you helping us?"

"Because I want you out of here!" He snaps, "so get your ass in that truck and be on your merry way."

Mark grunts as he shoves Gordon's unconscious body into the bush, kicking his legs further in to hide him.

"Thanks, Mark. Without you, our plan wouldn't have worked." I smile.

Love Bites ~ Craig of the Dead au ~ Tricia x Karen fan fiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now