Before we get into it...

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I'm just gonna go ahead and give a little info about this book, about my profile on wattpad, and about me so feel free to skip this if you want lol. 

Firstly, my name is Holly, I'm Australian, I'm in my mid-teens, and I love Maze Runner. I've written a trilogy of Maze Runner fics, you can find those on my page if you want to check them out because I'm sorta proud of them... is that pathetic? I feel like that's a little pathetic. Oh well!

Um... I write in the first person, just because I find it easier to imagine what a character would be thinking/feeling/doing in any certain situation if I put myself in their shoes. 

Now, I just want to say now I love feedback, and I always look forward to reading comments (as long as they're not mean ones lol) and I do take requests/ideas so feel free to leave them in the comment section, DM me, basically whatever. 

Ok, hope you have as much fun reading as I do writing!

- Holly xo

Update for those who missed it in the description: now being rewritten and posted on AO3 and tumblr (both @/hollybell51) if you wanna check out the much better, heavily edited and all new material there! I highly recommend it, the support means the world to me and they're genuinely so much better than this in every way. 

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