Me, Myself, And I

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How would you start out your life's story. Would you start from the beginning, or maybe at the day that your whole life as you knew it was turned upside down. All of these are all good ways to start, but I will start out with a name, my name. My name is Lydia Clare, I'm 16 and I live in New York City with my Adopted parents Lillyanna and James Thompson, and my adopted brother and sister Justin and Emily, Justin is 16 and Emily is 15.

I knew that I was adopted because I didn't look like any of my family. My family all had blonde hair and blue eyes, and stocky build. While I had sterling gray eyes and long semi curly red hair that went just past my waist. My body had curves unlike my mother and sister. I was more athletic then them too, I could easily out run them.

I love the out doors, when I was younger I wished that I could runaway from here and live in the woods. But I learned that running away from your problems gets you nowhere, so I just stayed at home but still I dreamed. I can shoot a bow pretty well and I love to hunt and fish. I do all of these things with my two best friends in the world, Stella and Andrew.

Stella is my white Italian Grayhound. Her coat has a silver blue hue to it. She has dark blue eyes that look like the night sky.

I was 14 when I found Stella in the woods. I was walking in the woods at night because I was mad at Emily for taking my stuff. Emily thought that everything that was mine was hers, it was just to much sometimes, so every other night or so I would go on a walk to clear my head. It was on one of these walks that I stumbled onto Stella. I was sitting on a cliff, looking at the moon. I was learning about the Greek Gods in my history class at school. I learned that Artemis was the goddess of the moon and night. So every time I took a walk, I come to this spot, and talk to the moon.

"Hello Artemis," I said and sat down. This night happened to be my 14th birthday.

"Emily took my birthday present again, I got a silver bow," I sighed crying a little," She broke it, I didn't even get to shoot it."

"I just hate her sometimes, I try to be nice but its just so hard, its like she don't want me as her sister," I stiffened a tier.

"Why did my mother give me up, did she not want me, did she not love me," I cried," I'm trying Artemis, you know I am, but I'm only 14."

After a while I just sat there and cried. I felt so lost, and unloved. That's when I felt something soft touch me. I looked over and it was this tiny little puppy with dark blue eyes and a silver coat. The puppy was carrying something, A silver bow. It was a silver bow with green vines engraved into it. It looked heavy but it was as light as a feather. It had silver arrows and a quiver that had the same green vine engravings. The puppy looked at me then the moon, then back at me again. She looked cold, I slinged the bow over my shoulder and the quiver too, then picked up the puppy.

"Come lets go home Stella," I said looking at the tiny puppy then at the moon,"Thanks Artemis."

And that's how I found Stella. Know Andrew was a different story.

The Lost Daughter of ArtemisOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara