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It's been about a month and Percy, Annabeth, Jason,Piper, and Grover were all away at college. It's been weird without them but they have to move on with their lives just like us.

Today I was helping out with the new recruits when I met Annabelle. Annabelle was a sweet, yet kinda crazy 15 year old with short choppy brown hair with strips of random colors though out it. She wore a pink backpack and a rainbow shirt with light teal jeans.

"Hi, I'm Annabelle," she said jumping up and down excitedly.

"I'm Lydia," I said smiling as I held out my hand to her. She took it happily and smiled. Her hands were so small that mine almost looked big compared with hers.

"So," Annabelle said as she took her hand back, "What do we do first," she asked hyperly as she jumped up and down obviously excited.

"Now we wait for you to be claimed by your godly parent," I said looking into her eyes not quit figuring out what color they were.

"Oh I already know who my godly parent is," Annabelle said happily, "I'm a daughter of Iris." Annabelle then went on and told me about how right when she entered the camp a rainbow fell upon her.

"I then said that I could feel the rainbow, "Annabelle said laughing and I laughed too.

"Lucky," I said to her when we stopped laughing, "All I got was an arrow over my head."

"Apollo?" Annabelle said as she tilted her head at me.

"Artemis actually," I said smiling down at her.

"Whattttt...... wait that's IMPOSSIBLE," Annabelle said as her pointed her tiny finger at me.

I told her the story of my conception that my mother told me and that seemed to clear up a lot of stuff to Annabelle.

"So you were made from clay?" Annabelle said in disbelief.

"Yep," I said to her, "or at least that's just what my mother told me," I smiled. "Okay,  I think it's time I show you around," I said smiling , "but first some lunch," I said as we made our way to the dinning hall.

I was greeted by Andrew, Alisa, Hazel, Willow, and Nico when we got there.

"There you are beautiful," Andrew said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. "Who's this," Andrew said now noticing Annabelle.

"Oh," I said taking a step away from Andrew but took his hand. "Everyone this is Annabelle daughter of Iris," I said as I pointed to her. "Annabelle this is my boyfriend Andrew Abernathy, Hazel Levesque, and Nico De Angelo," I said pointing to them, "They are all children of Hades," I said looking at her. Then I turned to the others, "And this is Alisa Thorn daughter of Persephone, and Willow Underwood daughter of Pan."

"It's nice to meet all of you," Annabelle said then I saw her expression change when Nico looked over at her for the first time. It was like a million emotions came to her all at once.

Nico looked at Annabelle and moved towards her like she was gravity. Nico stared into Annabelle's rainbow eyes and smiled. "I don't like rainbows all that but I love how your eyes sparkle."

Annabelle giggled and blushed as Nico took a strand of her brown hair and tucked it behind her ear.

Andrew leaned down and whispered in my ear, "That don't even make since."

"Shhh," I said as I lightly elbowed him in the side, "It don't have to," I said not taking my eyes off of Nico and Annabelle, "It's cute."

"Hey Lydia," Nico said not taking he's eyes off of Annabelle.

"Yeah Nico," I said smiling a them.

"Would you mind if I showed Annabelle around," Nico said to me, "If that's ok with you," he said to Annabelle.

"Yeah that's fine," I said and they began to walk off .

Then Annabelle turned around and yelled with her hand waving around, "Okay bye." then they were gone.

If you guys don't get the last reference you need to watch Markiplier Five Nights at Freddy's 3 :) love you all <3

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