ears were pouring from his eyes.


I cupped his face in my hands

"What happened?"

"He found us Gguk... All of us."

I looked around, everyone was tied up and bruised. I ran to Jin, untying him.

"How'd you find us?"

Taehyung let out a bloodcurdling scream and I turned my head. Song stood with a knife in his hand, m

aking cuts in Taehyungs skin


I ran, but I couldn't reach Taehyung. I could just watch as Song hurt him. Then I heard Hoseok scream, It was the same thing. Then Jimin, Then Jin, and it kept going until my thoughts were overwhelmed by the sounds of my friends screaming for me to help. I couldn't move, I couldn't get closer to them. Then it all stopped.

The world around me was dark, the ground beneath me was like thin ice. I stepped forward, the ground cracking beneath my feet. I could hear a familiar voice singing in the distance.

"I had a dream that you were mine
I've had that dream a thousand times
A thousand times, a thousand times
I've had that dream a thousand times"

I couldn't place where I recognized it from as I saw a light in the distance.

"I left my room on the west side
I walked from noon until the night
I changed my crowd, I ditched my tie
I watched the sparks fly off the fire
I found your house, I didn't even try
They'd closed the shutters, they'd pulled the blinds
My eyes were red, the streets were bright
Those ancient years were black and white"

The voice was calm, almost like this dark abyss was their home.

"The 10th of November, the year's almost over
If I had your number, I'd call you tomorrow
If my eyes were open, I'd be kicking the doors in
But all that I have is this old dream I've always had"

I made out a grand piano and a small figure playing it. Their voice was the one singing.

"A thousand times, a thousand times
I've had that dream a thousand times
A thousand times, a thousand times
I've had that dream a thousand times"

The figure turned to me, he was Taehyung but from years ago.


I stepped forward, as the world came into focus and I started to remember that day.

"Please don't tell them."

"I wont, I promise."

I sat beside him on the piano bench.

"You have a really pretty voice."

Taehyung smiled,

"I come into the girls hall to practice piano. Most of the counsellors don't care because they think I'm coming over here to check them out or something."

I giggled,

"I think its stupid all the stuff they make us do. Like doing manual labor is going to change if we like dick or not."

Taehyung chuckled, his box smile still as big as always. Footsteps could be heard down the hall and Taehyung pulled me into a closet with him, pressing his finger to my lips. I had met Taehyung only once before at one of Hoseoks dance meets. Then we were both thrown into a straight camp. Taehyung was there for the second time and he clearly knew what he was doing. When the hall was empty he moved his finger, keeping his voice quiet.

"you owe me one."

I quickly nodded, before leaving the closet. We'd meet there every day for a month, going back and forth "owing" each other something. One day Taehyung and I kissed in the closet, then that became our new space and we didn't say we owed each other anything. We ended up doing a lot in that small closet and one day Taehyung said he loved me. I smiled,

"I love you too."

I kissed his cheek, smiling.

"we'll always protect each other. And no matter what the other one says we'll be there."

He nodded as we intertwined pinkies.

Slowly the world around me shattered like glass. The ground beneath me disappeared and I fell into the darkness.

My eyes shot open. I was on the couch. I knew what the note said, but I remembered our promise. Everyone started asking questions, but I blocked them out, grabbing my coat, Jins wallet and keys before leaving the house. I got in the car and drove off, unsure of where I was going.


ikes Jungkook is having a crisis.
OH MY GOSH THANK YOU alexis_r_woods YOU ARE AN ACTUAL SWEETHEART. They messaged me telling me that they really enjoyed my book and said some really kind things that made my day😁😁 You are pretty much the reason I wrote this chapter because I had absolutely zero motivation and that just made me feel like writing. I know this may seem like a little bit of an overreaction to just a simple compliment, but for someone who has very little confidence in their writing hearing any compliment boosts my mood, especially when this is a career path I'm thinking about. ID ALSO LIKE TO THANK ANYONE ELSE WHO SAYS NICE STUFF IN THE COMMENTS I JUST WANTED TO SHOUT OUT ALEXIS BC THEY HELPED ME THROUGH A RUT WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING ABOUT IT.
anyways, thank you for listening to my ted talk,

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