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Jungkook pov

I saw Taehyung and felt a weight lift from my shoulders. He had tears falling from his eyes and I noticed the rope on his wrists.


I ran to him, taking off the rope.

"What happened?"

"He found us Gguk... All of us."

I looked around, everyone was tied up and bruised. I ran to Jin, untying him.

"How'd you find us?"

I heard Taehyung scream and I turned my head. Song stood with a whip in his hand, smacking it against Taehyungs skin.


I ran, faster than I thought I could, but I couldn't reach Taehyung. I could just watch as Song hurt him. Then I heard Hoseok scream, It was the same thing. Then Jimin, Then Jin, and it kept going until my thoughts were overwhelmed by the sounds of my friends screaming for me to help. I couldn't move, I couldn't get closer to them. Then it all stopped. I was alone, all around me was black. I stepped forward, the ground cracked under my feet, but I kept walking. It felt like I was being pulled somewhere. I heard something beneath me. I looked down and the ground beneath my feet shattered revealing a pool of water. I felt my stomach rise in my throat, like I was at the top of a really tall roller coaster, balancing over the edge. Then the drop came, it was fast and scary. I didn't know when I'd stop falling, when something would break my fall. I heard a voice, something calling my name. I let my eyes close, opening my mouth and letting water fill my lungs. I felt someone grab onto my arm, pulling me out of the water. I coughed, my lungs and throat burning.

It was that dream again. I wasn't sure what it meant. I rolled over, trying to find Taehyung, but his side of the bed was empty.


I got no answer, so I opened my eyes, noticing a note on the bedside table.

Hey gguk... this was really hard for me but it was something I had to do. Song is the one who took Jin. He said that I could trade myself for Jin, so I did. Jin should be out in the driveway.

I stood up, in shock. I looked out the window and sure enough Jin was laying on the gravel. I ran downstairs, yelling that Jin was in the driveway. Namjoon was the first to poke his head out, running outside to help Jin up. Once Jin was inside and Winwin was taking care of his wounds, I pulled out the note from my pocket, continuing to read.

I know it'll be hard at first, but I know that you'll be okay one day. I know that everyone needs Jin more than me and that once Song has me all of you will be safe. Tell everyone I love them and I'll miss them. And for you, Jungkook I love you more than anything and I want nothing more than for you to be safe. I knew this would probably happen eventually but I didn't want to accept it. I liked living in our little bubble, thinking about marriage and having kids. I hope you understand why I'm doing this.

As I finished the note I couldn't move, I felt my chest tighten before collapsing.

I saw a faint shadow that I knew as Taehyungs and felt a weight lift from my shoulders. As I got closer I noticed that t

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