Chapter 13//🌤

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An angry yet concerning voice boomed the hallway, making Jimin snapped out of his slumber. But before he could check out what's happening, he felt a small shift beside him.


He glanced at his daughter who was sleeping like a baby even with a crazy woman searching for her. She was all curled up closed to him with her little fist clenched onto the sheets.

Suddenly, the door slide opened almost cracking by how forceful it was. It revealed a exasperated Riley with messy hair and uneven breathing.


The little girl peeked over Jimin's shoulder when she got startled by the door opening as well. Riley rushed over and jumped onto the bed before enveloping Hana while mumbling incoherent words.

"Where have you been? Why did you leave me? Why are in- Mr Park?"

Riley finally acknowledged Jimin's presence while blurting questions at her daughter. He was fidgeting with his hospital robe as if he was guilty of Hana's disappearance, which he was.

"I wanted to pee but I saw Jiminie at the window, doing what you used to do."

Hana tenderly patted Riley's head and smiled. Riley instantly caught onto her daughter's confession and glanced at Jimin who stopped fidgeting and just looked nervous.

"And you did what you used to do to Mommy, didn't you?"

Riley smiled softly when Hana nodded. Her daughter was her savior and now she even saved her boss. Or rather, her father.

"You did great baby but don't go missing like that. You gave me a heart attack."

Riley dramatically put her hand on her chest making Hana giggled and hugged her mom. Jimin stayed quiet as he basked in the beautiful scene. His love and his daughter all on the same bed with him with sun shining into the room. A morning he wished to wake up to everyday.

"Uncle Kook will here in a few minutes. Go wash up and wait for him, okay? Mommy would like to talk to Jiminie."

Jimin's new nickname rolled off her tongue so gently that it made him grinned. Hana nodded before wobbling back to Riley's room. The room was filled with quietness when the little girl left, but a comfortable one.

"Jimin, is there something bothering you?"

It was the first time she addressed him with his name and it sent shivers down his spine. It's been so long since he last heard it and prayed it won't be the last.

He lowered his head, not knowing how to answer her straightforward question. He simple can't tell her the fact that her daughter's father is her boss. And he absolutely can't tell her he was the cause of everything, including her days at the window. Because he knew she will leave him when she knows. He can't lose her, not now, not ever.

"It's nothing. I just- thankful for Hana's presence last night."

He whispered but she could hear him loud and clear. She let out a sigh of relief, thinking how her daughter saved yet another person.

"Well, I hope-"


The door burst opened before a panicking Jungkook ran over the Jimin and held his face, inspecting it to check for injuries. Riley giggled at the scene but soon frown as to when and how they both got so close when Jungkook literally scurried away yesterday.

𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗦𝗘𝗗//𝗣𝗝𝗠 𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗪𝗢𝗟𝗙 𝗙𝗙✔️Where stories live. Discover now