Madeline closed her book and shrugged. "Maybe they were boring. But hey, don't worry about it. At least were still here right?"

I shrugged back, "I guess. But it still does not change how I feel."

Madeline gave me an understanding smile.

I sighed, "I'm going to head to the bathroom." I said getting up.

Madeline nodded and went back to her book.

I walked out of the Woman's Room and gently closed the door.

I walked the grand hallways in awe. I still haven't got used to how big the palace really is.

Suddenly, my nose hit a muscular chest and we both fell to the floor.

I rubbed my nose to ease the pain.

"I'm so sorry!" I say looking up and suddenly froze.

I ran into Jackson.

"Oh no. It was completely my fault." He said getting up. He offered me his hand and I took it hesitantly.

He laughed. "We have to stop meeting like this, we seen to end up on the floor a lot."

I smiled politely, not meeting his eye.

"How are you, dear?" He asked smirking.

I looked at him signaling with my eyes that he was playing with fire, but I gave him a playful smile.

"Fine. Thank you, Your Highness."

He smiled warmly. "You could call me Jackson, you know."

I laughed and crossed my arms. "I'll stop calling you 'Your Highness' when you stop calling me 'Dear'."

He laughed again. "We shall see about that."

I raised my eyebrow and smirked. "I noticed you have very proper grammer."

"Well, it is in my education." He said with a shrug.  

I laughed again and looked at the floor shy. I never really knew what to do around boys.

Especially a Prince.

I looked up again and he was staring at me. I suddenly felt self conscience.

"What are you staring at?" I asked a bit sharp. I never felt comfortable when people stared at me. I feel like they can see right through me. Through my lies and tragedy's. Through my mistakes and imperfections.

His eyes looked deeper into mine.

He bent a little and leaned into me.

My heart stopped beating.

His blue eyes looked even deeper to the windows of my soul.

He lifted his hand and ever so gently, put a stray hair behind my hair.

I flinched.

I never let boys touch me.

His eyes filled with concern.

"You had a stray thread in your head." He whispered. His breath smelled of winter green and mint.

He leaned in even closer and I could taste his breath ever so slightly.

I took in a shaky breath and leaned back.

He tried to hide his disappointment, but I could clearly see it.

He leaned back and put his arms behind his back.

I gave him a apologetic smile. "Sorry, I-I can't."

"I understand." He said with a smile.

I looked into his eyes and suddenly felt guilty. I mean, he seems like a good guy. He's been do kind and caring-

I stopped myself. That's how they all start out as. You can't trust anyone. You bearly know him. You have limits for a reason.

"I should uh- get back." I muttered.

He nodded and smiled. I turned around and started walking but he grabbed my hand and I nervously turned around.

"Have a good afternoon, my dear." He said with a smirk.

I laughed and the mood lightened.

"Back at ya, Your Highness." I said with a wink.

He laughed and lightly kissed my hand. His lips lingered a longer then necessary, then released my hand gently.

The spot where his lips met my hand tingled and I couldn't help but blush a bit.

I gave him one last smile and headed to my room.

I didn't feel like going back to the Woman's Room and the feeling passed of going to the bathroom the moment that I bumped into Jackson.

My hand still tingled and it started to bug me. I didn't want to have any feelings torward Jackson. I mean, he was the Prince, and I was a 5 who didn't want to find love.

If he wants a wife, there is 26 females in this palace who would do anything to get the man and the crown.


Hi guys! So this is Chapter 7! I hope you like it! Why is Brooke not opening up? Why is she so over protective? Stay tooned!

Follow me on instagram! @selection_is_life

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