Without a Spark

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I wish I could say
You set my soul on fire.
But when an unforgiving winter
Lies inside your mind
and shards of ice
Have long since pierced your heart,
Even the most infinitesimal flame
Would seem a welcome reprise
From the night's endless chill.

When we settle for okay in relationships (and elsewhere), we not only do ourselves a disservice, but we also undervalue our partners too. Your partner should complete you, they should be the most compatible person for you based on where you are at in life, and where you want to be.

What was right for you a year ago might not be right for you now. What you think you want might not be what you actually need. If you're searching for something in a partner, it might be that it is something you need to find in yourself.

If you look at your relationships (platonic or otherwise) and think 'there's something missing' then you must search for that missing piece, rather than celebrating a puzzle without an edge. By not settling, you are not only helping boost your own self-worth, but also those of your partners who need to find their own missing pieces too.

For me, I've finally realised that the comfort and security I've long looked for in everything from books to food to sex, is something that I need to seek within... I'm working on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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