Chapter(F O U R T Y T H R E E)

Depuis le début

He held a smug grin, "I said that your little boyfriend over there-", he leaned closer at every word said until we were nose to nose. "Is. A. Bitch Boy", he leaned back and laughed with his friends. I'm three seconds away from punching him.

He stared at me and grinned, "Or do you prefer faggot?", he asked in an innocent voice and that's when I lost my cool. I grabbed his collar, yanking him closer to me and held up my fist. I was ready to throw the first punch when I felt someone grab the back of my shirt.

"Woah there big boy! It's time for us to go", I heard Taehyung say while dragging me away from a smug Jinyoung. I saw him wave me goodbye and turned to Jennie. Jennie watched as I got taken away from the group.

"Let go of me!", I exclaimed, snatching Taehyung's hand off my shirt. "Why did you do that? I was about to fuck him up".

"Exactly, I did you a favor"


"For one: you would've gotten suspended. Second: Jimin would hate to see you get hurt in a fight", he said and my face softened.

"Me hurt? He's the one that would've gotten hurt"

"Go ahead and tell yourself that", he retorted and I flipped him off. He returned the gesture as we stood in the hallway.

"Anyway, did you find any information on the new guy? For instance his class schedule? Address?"

"What? Jungkook why would I have that info?"

"Because that's what we need if we're going to follow through with the stalking", I said in a duh tone.

"Jungkook I never agreed to that"


"What do you mean and? I'm not helping you with anything"

"We should come up with a code name for the new guy so nobody knows who we're talking about"

"Jungkook are you even listening?!"

"How about code Ugly? It matches him perfectly"

"Jungkook I'm done with you", he said, walking away from me. I ran up to him and jumped in front of him, causing him to brush into me.

"Taehyung please you're Jimin's best friend which means you're the one who can help me get him back"

"Who says he wants you back though?"

"That doesn't matter. Please help me!"

"Why should I?"

"Why not?"

"Hm...let me about I don't want you hurting my best friend. You were a complete dick to him and I don't want to see him hurt again", he said, squinting his eyes at me. I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"Taehyung, I promise I will never hurt him intentionally ever again. Just help me dammit!"

"What's in it for me?"

I looked up at the ceiling and thought long,
and hard about what Taehyung would find beneficial. I rubbed my chin, thinking for a good five minutes before coming up with an idea. "If you help me I will let you be the decorator to our wedding"

"Pft, like that's going to convince-"

"I'll even let you plan the after party"

His face lit up instantly. "Seriously?", I nodded in response. "Can I also pick the wedding cake?"

I sighed, "Yes you may"

He jumped up and down, clapping his hands with a wide boxy smile planted on his face. "Yay! Ha, in your face Oprah!", he pumped his fist in the air.


"Don't ask", he said and made his way over to me, throwing his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him. "So I'm thinking blue and white with a hint of rainbow streaks for the wedding! It's to really bring out the gay"

"Uhm, that sounds..."

"What do you think would bring out your Jikook wedding?", he asked, waving his hand in the air.


"Yeah or Kookmin whichever one you prefer"

"Koo-what? Jikook? What's that?"

"You and Jimin's ship name dumbass", he said and I whacked him upside his head, while he punched me in the arm. "You're so aggressive"


"Hm...", he hummed, sizing me up and down. I fidgeted under his hard stare.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I'm imagining you in the gayest tuxedo ever"

"Don't make me regret my decision"

"Don't worry"

I'm regretting my decision....

Enjoy Lovelies

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant