Kate: I'm very happy for you.

You: Hey.

Kate: Look who decided to come back from the dead.

You: I never died, so that's just not true.

Kate: Well, we thought you were dead, so it's true for us.

You: Yeah alright.

Clem: Quit Y/N.

You: What?

Clem: Being rude.

You: I'm not.

Kate: Clem told me that you think we should move earlier than we were going to.

You: Yeah. The Olympians are going to want me and Brooklyn.

Kate: I'm assuming that's her real name.

You: Yeah.

Kate: I'll talk it over with Javi.

You: You should also talk about untying her.

Kate: We don't exactly trust her.

You: I do. She's not going to hurt anyone.

Kate: Your word doesn't carry much with Javier at this point.

You: I could tell.

Kate: It'll just take time.

You: You have a knife I can have or something?

Kate: Why?

You: So I can protect myself.

Kate: Here, take mine.

She reaches down and pulls out her knife. Handing it to you. It's a good knife. You rub your thumb on the knife to see how sharp it is.

You: You sure you want to give me this?

Kate: I can get another one.

You: Alright.

Kate stands up from the bench.

Kate: I'm going go and talk to Javi about moving.

You: And.

Kate: Brooklyn.

You Thanks.

You sit down next to Clementine and put the knife in a secure place on your waist.

Clem: Why'd you call my name earlier?

You: AJ was being a butt hole.

Clem: He usually gets up early.

You: Yeah, I- I have no idea why he was struggling this morning.

You look at her to see her with an eyebrow raised at you.

You: He didn't sleep much last night.

Clem: Why's that?

You: He came in a little before you woke up.

Clem: Really?

You: Yeah.

Clem: What was he doing?

You: He said he was hanging out with some friends.

Clem: He knows he's not supposed to do that.

You: Don't get mad at him. He was just being a kid.

Clem: He doesn't get to be a kid in this world.

You: I remember not being a kid in the apocalypse. It worked wonders for me.

Clem: You're alive.

You: Yeah, but I had a death wish for the longest time.

Clem: If he does it again, tell me.

You: You got it boss.

Louis: Well would you look at that.

You: Shit.

Clementine chuckles as Louis walks over to you.

Louis: Y/N, buddy. How's it goin?

You: It was going great.

Louis: Was?

You: I'll let you think on that.

Louis: You gonna introduce me to your new lady friend.

You: No.

Louis: What?

You: She'll like you even less than I do.

Louis: Come on. You can't know that.

You: I do know that.

Louis: Clem, why's he being like this?

Clem: He's teasing you.

You: Nope. Introduce yourself.

Louis: She's not taking to kindly to anyone talking to her right now.

You: Bummer. I talked to her earlier and she was fine.

Louis: Yeah, but she knows you.

You: Stop... Go away.

Louis: I'm visiting you after your long absence.

You: No, you're annoying me after my long absence.

Louis: Fine. I'll go talk to someone else.

He walks away from you and Clementine looking slightly defeated.

Clem: Do you have to act like that when he's around.

You: Yes. He annoys me.

Clem: He annoys everyone.

You: Have we had this conversation before?

Clem: Probably.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now