Felix gave me a look like he was about to laugh, then he covered his mouth and looked away. "I mean, that could work, but the gold-digger prank would work better." He turned back around and started walking towards me, before jumping up on my bed yet again and making himself comfortable on it like it was his own bed. "Do the prank. I'll even help you if you need it."

I smiled a little, liking the fact that he was going to help me anyway. "I'm not that desperate," I muttered, before rolling around on my bed. "You could sleep here if you want, but right now I'm having my afternoon sleep and I need no disturbance!" I tried making it sound like a warning, but instead it came out like a joke. I didn't say anything afterwards though, and neither did Felix, so I just shut my eyes closed and waited to fall asleep.


I looked out the window when I realized the limo had stopped. We were here, at school, and now all I had to do was get out and walk in there, pretending I liked everyone. "Thanks for the drive," I opened the door and stepped out. Already, I could notice the usual blonde girl waiting on the stairs, and waved when she saw me. I waved back with a fake smile, before looking down and walking towards the school's entrance.

"Hey, Adrien," Someone grabbed ahold of my arm and I turned around to see Chloe, with her usual wide-spread smile stuck on her face. I tugged my arm, trying to move away from her grasp, but she held onto my arm tightly and pretended she didn't know of what she was doing. "Are you okay? You didn't come to school yesterday. Why?"

I gave her one word, "Sick," not even looking at her while I spoke. Instead I focused on walking while having my face facing the floor.

"Oh, I just remembered something." Finally she let go of my arm, but when she did, I turned over to her, completely clueless about who was in front of me now. Someone bumped into me and I could feel their elbow hitting my stomach. The next thing I heard was a girl shouting out a bunch of apologies. I looked up, pretending it didn't hurt at all, and then I got to see who it was. It was the girl that always sat down behind me in class. What was her name again?

"It's fine. . . It's fine." When I said that, the girl nodded hurriedly and started picking up the books she had dropped on the floor. I bent down to help her, but Chloe quickly pulled me back up and started pulling me away with a smirk. I groaned but followed her anyway, though I wasn't listening to her anymore. Instead, I looked behind me and mouthed out an apology towards the girl, though I didn't know why.

"Ooh, where was I again before Marinette interrupted? Oh yeah!" Chloe snapped her fingers, and when she said the name was when I paid attention. Marinette. So, that was her name. Though the school year had just started, and I barely listened when the teacher called for attendance, I was still angry at myself for not remembering that name. "Adrien. . ." Right! Chloe was still talking.

"So, your father called mine, and. . ." Chloe suddenly squealed as she turned to face me. "We're invited to have dinner with you today. I heard your relatives came over, so this is going to be extra exciting. I can't wait!"

I gulped. "My father invited you?"

"Hmm-mm, how amazing is that? I've been trying so hard to let your father let me in, and he's finally agreed," Chloe turned and started walking again, though I wasn't even sure if she was looking where she was going. "I think I'm finally growing on your father. Maybe it's because he knows I'm the only girl you ever hang out with in school. I guess he just knows that you really care about me, so he finally decided it was best to invite me over."

"Yeah, keep dreaming," I muttered to myself. I walked up to the door and opened it, letting Chloe in first before walking inside. Most of the students were already here, which made me have a feeling that we were late. I went and took my seat anyway, and Chloe took the seat beside me.

"What are you doing?" I whispered over to her. "Don't you sit with Sabrina? You always sit with her."

"Yeah, but she's not in school today and I don't want to sit alone. Actually," Chloe raised a finger, "I spoke with the teacher. She agreed to make a seating arrangement for us. Don't worry, I know how you feel about sitting next to strangers, so I specifically asked for her to make sure we were sitting together. How amazing is that?!"


"What? You don't like the idea?"

"Chloe, it's not that I don't like the idea, but I never told you I felt uncomfortable sitting with strangers. I love meeting new people," I shrugged, trying to tell her that I didn't want to sit with her in the nicest way possible. "And besides, don't you think Sabrina is going to feel a little bit lonely? You should sit with her."

After a while of thinking, she finally sighed, and I knew whenever she did that, it meant she was agreeing with me. "Okay fine, but I'm only doing this just because of Sabrina!" She stood up and started walking over to the teacher that was sitting behind her desk. I could see them talking, though I immediately lost interest in their conversation when someone else entered the classroom. It wasn't just someone else. It was that girl I had bumped into earlier.

"Hey," I stopped her from walking past my seat. "So sorry about earlier."

"You're still apologizing for that? It's fine. It was just an accident," She shrugged. "Adrien? You're Adrien, right?"

My eyes widened at her question. "You don't know my name?" I didn't mean to sound rude, but it was just so surprising. Everyone I met knew my name, but here was this one girl who didn't even. "I mean. . . Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's Adrien."

"Well, I'm sorry I don't keep up with famous people. I stopped doing that a long time ago when my obsession became too much!" I chuckled a bit, and she waved, before walking to her seat behind me. I turned back to the front, just in time to see Chloe sitting down next to me again.

"Alright, I spoke to the teacher. She's going to make you sit with a random person. You best hope it's me though," Chloe laughed a little, before looking behind her. She then turned her head towards me. "Hmm, you and Marinette? I saw you two talking. You two close?"

"Uh. . . No."

"Good." And then she laughed. "Just kidding. I'm not trying to say you can't have other female friends. Just. . . don't forget about me!"

"Why would I ever do that?" I rolled my eyes jokingly, before pulling my books out of my bag. The teacher walked to the front of the class and folded her arms, before, as expected, releasing the news that we were having a seating plan. Chloe nudged my shoulder and I pretended I didn't notice, instead I just kept my eyes glued to the front, with only one thought in my head.

Please, let my seatmate be a boy!

~ Edited ~

SLOWLY FALLING FOR YOU (α∂яιєηєттє)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon