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Song for this chapter: Nobody

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Song for this chapter: Nobody

- Martin Jensen & James Arthur

They thrash them, winning by twenty points as the final score appears on the screen as 41-13. Everyone stands up and screams in congratulations as the boys sling their arms around each other with huge smiles plastered on their faces.

I cup my mouth with my hands and scream loudly, so happy for them. Grayson turns his head and smirks at me, before sending a wink my way. He whispers in Myles' ear and then runs off, while the team is still in a crowd celebrating.

"Are they meant to do that after a game?" I question and Lydia smiles widely.

"Yeah." She assures me but I don't believe her.

"But I thought they were meant to go straight to the locker rooms?" I press and she huffs out a frustrated sigh.

"No one can do anything without you noticing." She mumbles and I'm about to question her, but a banging on the metal bleachers interrupts me.

"Hey everyone!" Grayson shouts.

"Please no." I turn my desperate eyes onto Lydia but she just tells me she's 'immune' to my pleading face.

"Layla Greene." The devil calls, and I smile tightly, not liking the attention on me one bit. He makes his way in front of me, then pulls some more red roses from behind his back. Him and his gestures. He must've bought me the whole flower shop. "Here's to the first of many dates." He says and then hands me the flowers before running off back to his team. Everyone claps and awes, while I sit there with a deep blush on my cheeks.

The crowd on the bleachers disperses as the team and cheerleaders leave the field. Lydia pulls me behind her to go and meet the guys, I tightly hold onto the flowers with my other.

"So Grayson likes you?" Kenzie spits, pushing off the wall next to the changing rooms as we reach there.

"Yeah." I state a blank look on my face. She gives me a dirty look, rubbing her eyes up and down my figure. Judgement encases her features completely and I have the overwhelming urge to laugh in her face.

"Why?" She scrunches up her face in disgust.

"Because I'm me." I say boldly, flicking my hair over my shoulder in mock arrogance. Lydia laughs loudly, but Kenzie's eyes only narrow further.

"Exactly my point." She says. Ouch. It's not like I'm insecure, but when a model look-a-like stands in front of you telling you that you're ugly; you start to question your sauce.

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