chapter 32

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Matts POV.

"Matthew ! Lets go."

Crash burst into the kitchen not even waiting for my answer before walking back out. Something tells me this is about Malia.

I sigh and shake my head in dispare. This girl will be the death of me. Oh wait.

She has been. Several times !

Matt-" Shes a Alpha, meaning shes much faster than us."

Changing into our wolves we sprinted through the woods following her scent.

Already running in her tracks for quite some time now but its Malia we are talking about here. Shes faster than lightning.

Her scent stopped by the beach. Water to be specific.

Crash-" I cant see her ? Maybe she flew away."

Matt-"Very funny smartass."

Squinting my eyes i looked through every space on this beach. The sun already disappeared and the night took its place.

Out of sudden my wolf started pushing me to go into the water. Leaving it go free the cold water hit me.

I kept swimming being taken further and further. That was until white fabric caught my eyes. Werewolf eyesight. More than useful.

My speed increased by a mile and i was dragged under water. My grip caught the fabric and i quickly started pulling up the surface.

Matt-" God Malia ! I will personally hire a girl that will give you a slap."

Getting her out of water is much harder than expected. All my efforts went into keeping her above the surface for air.

Crash-" Shes been only back what ? A week and already left us again !"

Helping me get her out we placed her on the sand. I will kill her personaly. Pressing my hands on her chest, roughly pushing down. Giving Crash a look.

Crash-" No. Not me. Nathan will kill me. You to ahead."

I rolled my eyes and switched places with Crash. Coward wont even give the girl mouth to mouth. Blocking her nose, i pressed my lips against hers. Strange doing this again. Even though its only safety wise, saving her ass again.

Few moments later she started coughing out the water.

Malia-" Still .. a good kisser blondie."

We stared at her for awhile before all bursting out laughing. Good old times, old habbits never disappear.

Malia-" I cause you so much trouble pretty boy."

Matt-" Since day one babe."

Another laughs escaped her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and..

What did Malia do ?! :o ;)
I did start two more stories this week im sure ye all know about the first one "Bucket list." And there is also another one called "jack frost my guardian."

Im a huge sucker for jack frost so i thought why not ;) check them out guys :D

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