chapter 29

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The heavy feeling on my chest vanished away the moment i shot up in my bed gasping for air.

My bed ? Whos bed is this ? The last thing i remember is ... Sam. He stayed there..

"Oh mom !"

Without even catching a glimpse who it is, small arms were thrown around my neck into a tight hug.

But the long dark hair gave it all away. My arms automatically shot up around her rather skinny body, pulling her close onto the bed.

Malia-" Evelynn. Oh sweetie. Your skinny have they been feeding you ?!"

Tears still clouding her eyes but a laugh escaped her lips.

"Good to have you back Alpha."

Greyson. Doesnt look much different. But Evelynn infact appeares like a dead person. Pale, sharp cheek bones, bags under her eyes. In simple words awful and starved.

E-" I have to go get dad !"

Malia-" No!"

I screetched grabbing her arm, forcefully pushing her back into bed. The door creaked open and i scrambled out of bed. I didnt want to see him yet. Instead a brown fluffy head popped from behind the door.

"Mommy !"


Back with my supernatural speed, sprinting towards him i could possibly squeezed the life out of him.

Although he could do the same with hes tight grip around my neck.

"Dear god Malia i knew you were coming back."

Lillia, Crash and Mattthew. A big family gathering with only missing. This felt good. Each hug felt like they were all trying to squeeze the love physically into me.

Malia-" Did you tell him ?"

Matt-" He still wants to see you."

Finishing hes sentence footsteps were heard behind the door. Froze in my place i didnt dare to move. Hes behind that door. One look in the eyes. What if i dont remember ?

The handle on the door slowly started runing while i deeply stared at it. The moment the door clicked and started opening..

My wolf speed carried me extra fast through the window before i could see him. Before he could see me.

I ran away from Nathan. My mate.

There are only a few chapters left in this sequel unfortunately ! But i still am continueing my other story (cover up there) and its coming out quite good.

Thank you for reading.

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