chapter 19

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Lillias POV.

I have to keep my promise to Malia. I need to tell Matt the truth.

I paced in my room back and forth, trying to figuer out what to do. Urg god Malia why did you do this to me !

"Did you want to see me babe ?"

Matthew is leaving to go get Malia tomorrow. And no its not a good idea to tell him when he might never come back but i have to.

Lillia-" Sit down please."

Worry made hes way into hes eyes while he scrunched up hes face. This will not end good.

Matt-" Is everything okay ?"

Lillia-" Not exactly. Matt this is really hard for me to say. And i need you to know.. that.. that i love you."

Matt-" Lillia your scaring me. Whats wrong ?"

Already i could see the hurt in hes eyes and i havent told him yet. Maybe i should tell him and hurt him but keeping secrets shouldnt be part of a marriage.

Lillia-" After me and you were.. together the first time,Malia fell unconsious for two weeks. And we had the big fight ?"

We only had several fights but i remember that one clearly. I still despised Malia back then and would take any opportunity to kill her.

Lillia-" I left that night and came a few days later. I didnt stay at my old home, the first night i left to go to a bar. Every fight i had with you, was a torture."

Matt-" I dont see where your going with this."

My hands shook and my voice started breaking with every word i said.

Lillia-" I got so drunk that night i dont remember anything. The only thing i do remember is.. waking up next to a man the next day."

He turned hes head away from me, burried hes eyebrows together, confusion written on hes face.

Matt-" You.. you cheated on me ?!"

Lillia-" I didnt know what i was doing and i know thats not my excuse bu -"

Matt-" He took advantage of you !"

He started pacing around the room, angrily punching anything that came into hes way.

Matt-" Wait.. are you trying to say Greyson isnt my son ?!"

I closed my eyes trying to hide the tears away. I just sat there, i didnt know what to do.

Lillia-" I-I dont know if he is or..not."

He left a angry growl and started breaking anything at reach. I havent seen him so angry. Ever. Matthew was more of a clumsier person.

Matthew-" He is my son ! Do not say hes not Lillia !"

Rage. Fury. Thats all i heard from hes voice. Next thing i know is Nathan running in, trying to calm him down. Holding him forcefully back as Matts wolf started taking over in anger.

Everything after that is blury.

Malias POV.

Vicky seemed less shaken up the next morning. But one thing that did bother me is Sam. Hes been like my tail all goddamm day.

Malia-" What is your problem Sam !"

Sam-" Oh dont be like that sweetcheeks."

He tapped my nose as i glared at him. Hes just so.. arg ! I want to roll him into a ball and kick him to who knows where.

Sam-" Come on i want to show you something."

Before i could resist and go on a rant how i didnt want to, he grabbed my hand and started dragging me behind him.

We stopped infront of large glass door and behind it,

Was one of the most beautiful gardens i have ever seen. Everything was grown over with branches and flowers. Running of water filled the glass room.

Malia-" Woah.. why did you -"

He placed hes hands on my shoulders and turned me around. Hes big eyes stared right through me, making me transfixed.

Sam-" Listen carefully to every word i say. You never found your mate. You were a powerful feared alpha and did not have time for a mate. Your children were adopted. You lived with your best friends such as Matt.

You came here and we instantly clicked. You are my girlfriend and your falling inlove with me."

He clicked hes fingers still staring at me.

Malia-"Oh Sammy why are you clicking your fingers at me like im some dog. Did you not bring food ? I thought this was our date."

Malia surely did get herself in trouble, didnt she ? Told you Sam would be important ;)

Thank you for reading.

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