chapter 25

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Sam's POV.

We did not expect Matthew to come down here. Its ruining all of our plans.

Sam-" Father i have tried ! I try my best to keep her away but i cant !"

"Where is she now ?"

My eyes widened in fear. My father is about the same as me but even though i am a adult, he still scares me.

"Why are you still here Sam ? Go. To. Her."

Turning on my heel, storming out of the room. I feel lile a puppet. And i definitly do not like messing with her head.

It didnt matter at the start, she could snap her leg and i still wouldnt help her. Its just different now..

Malia's POV.

I blinked at him, still in hes embrace.

Malia-" No you must be wrong, i dont have a mate."

Scrambling from hes lap, i ran a hand through my hair frustrated. If i did have a mate i would never forget him.

Matt-" Malia ple -"

Malia-" No ! Please dont !"

Stomping out of the room, my feet took me straight to the apartment. Desperately i searched through my mind, roughly pushed past all my memories but not a single trace.

Without realisations i walked straight into a wall. Well rather a wall named Sam.

He looked down on me with a smile which quickly faded away.

Sam-" Baby girl whats wrong ?"

Without hesitation my arms wrapped around hes waist, burrowing my face into hes hoodie. Just being in hes arms, with him is all i needed.

After a few moments hes grip tightned around me, lifting me up. My eyes were shut all this time, soft surface buckled beneath us. The heartwarming bed.

Sam-" Please tell me what happened."

He rubbed soft circles on my back, while i shook and tightly clutched hes hoodie. Matts words waved across my mind, ringing in my ears.

Malia-" Its Matthew."

I felt Sam stiffen at the sound of hes name. Im guessing he didnt like him very much.

Malia-" He said i had a mate. B-But i dont.. remember him."

Sam left a long sigh. Blinking my eyes open i looked up at him. Hes head was hanging down, eyes closed. Gently placing a hand on hes cheek he winced.

Malia-" What's wrong ?"

Sam-" Nothing baby. Im just taken back a little.."

He seemed hesistant during hes sentence, as if he was trying to pick the right words. But shaking it off. I crawled off hes lap, resting my head on the pillow.

I will be updating every second day from now on ! Sorry about the changed but its just i wouldnt have chapters in time.

Thank you for reading.

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