chapter 20

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Matts POV.

"Matthew come back. Its time."

She told me now ! Now that im leaving and i might not come back ! Wait.. malia knew about this.. why didnt she just -

Nathan-" Matthew ! Its time lets go !"

Bowing my head in defence to Nathan i walked past him. I cant leave right now. There is too much things on my mind. But i have to bring Malia back.

After entering the back garden Daniella was already preparing her things. I recieved my instructions on what to do when i get there and how to get back.

Isnt this just great my wife cheated on me. And my son might not even be mine.

"Matthew can you please focus ?"

I cant focus ! Malia was supposed to be my best friend and tell me !

Suddenly a sharp pain exceeded through my cheek and my hand automaticaly clutching it.

Nathan-" Get yourself together ! I know this is hard for you but you need to focus. Please Matt."

Hope has be clouding hes eyes the past few days. Its all that you could feel around the pack this past week. Everyone wants they're loving Luna back.

Evelynn wants her mother. So does Lee. Nathan wants hes mate back. Me ? I want my best friend back. Even though at this moment i would love to strangle her for keeping such a secret from me.

Daniella-" Stand in the middle please."

I took my place. This is nerve wrecking, i mean who would want to wait to be send to hell. To die. Atleased i'll know for the future.

Lee-" Will Uncle Matty bring mommy back ?"

Matt-" I promise i'll bring mommy back little guy."

He smiled at me leaning hes head against Nathan. Daniella started saying some things i did not understand. No suprise there.

Greyson stood with hes arms firmly around Evelynn. He finally manned up and told us about they're mating. Sooner better than later.

My breathing got harder and harder with each word Daniella continued. Slight panic rose inside me. Im going to see Malia.

She still remembers me right ? Of course she does its obvious. She wouldnt forget her family.

Before i knew it Darkness washed over me. It didnt feel much different, i feel like i can move my body. Franticly i jerked my head around, looking for atleased something.


Malias POV.

"Malia ! Can i come in ? As long as your dressed !"

I groaned resting my head against Sam's chest. So perfectly sculptured chest..

Loud knocks on the door took me from my thoughts.

"Get dress we're working !"

Victoria. So cute but so annoying. Rolling out of hes arms, i searched through the room for my pants. Long fingers wrapped around my wrists and i was pulled back into the soft sheets.

Sam-" Stay please."

Hes morning voice was.. very convincing. A chuckle left my mouth as he successfully pulled me into hes arms.

Malia-" I really have to go.. Vicky will tear my head off if i dont."

After a few minutes of debating i got left and met Vicky outside.

Malia-" So what do we do ?"

Vicky-" We just wait by the opening and welcome new incomers."

That doesnt sound too bad. Quite fun actually. By the time we got there someone was already lying on the ground.

Vicky-" Am Hey. Welcome to hell."

It was a boy. Well a guy around our age. White shirt, jean jacket. Blonde. Looked quite familiar actually.

When he lifted himself from the ground i started screeching and jumping around like a kid.

Malia-" Ahhh !! Oh my gosh Matt !"

Bad girl, Good boy - SequelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon