chapter 17

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Nathans POV.

"Evelynn have you seen Lee ?"

Greyson was comforting Evelynn on the couch. To be honest im not very fond of him being her mate. Hes a troublemaker.

E-" I thought he was with you. He said he was anyway."

The whole pack and family seems to be grieving over the loss of that nutcase by the name of Malia. Her absence effects me more than i want to. What I'd do to hear her stuborness again.

Nathan-" I cant find him anywhere in the house. Andrew !"

My eyes jerked from every person in the room back. Fear. Thats what I've been feeling all this time.

Andrew-" Yea ?"

Nathan-" Start looking for Lee. Now."

Five of us are searching around, shouting hes name. Where could he went. Hes a boy everyone knows him, he couldnt of went far.

By the time five minutes have past we were desperately searching outside.

E-" Oh my god... dad ?"

My head shot the direction she was looking. On the roof. You know if you look at your house its not that high. But our pack house ?

Lillia-" How did he get up there !"

Nathan-" Lee stay there ! Daddy is coming for you !"

I ran as fast as my wolf took me to the top fourth floor.

Nathan-" Okay Reed how did he get on the roof ?"

Reed-" I believe from the attic window."

Smart wolf. I climbed the stairs. Window.. wheres the window. Hu.. this boy is smart. Got hes charms from hes father and brain from Malia. Lets hope the stuborness does not come along with it.

Nathan-" Lee ?.. what are you doing here ?"

Lee-" Im waiting for mammy."

I sat down beside him. Looking out into the sunset. It explains why hes here. Malia always told him and Evelynn stories of guardian Angels from beyond the sun.

Nathan-" Your waiting for your Guardian Angel right ?"

Lee-" Mommy said she will be my Angel. I wanted to see her."

Closed up in myself i admit, i didnt pay much attention to Lee. Or in that case anyone.

Nathan-" Uncle Matt will bring mammy back."

Malias POV.

"And how are you feeling Ms.Robertson ?"

Being new in hell means i have to get some kind of therapy. If you ask me its quite dumb.

Malia-" Absolutely amazing."

My answers are a bit too sarcastic and dry. After all this person is probably forced to do this.

"I know you dont find this amusing. But after the loss of connection to your mate and your wolf its important you talk."

My so called therapist is a lady a bit older than me. In her fourthies is my lucky guess. Her method is walking around, showing me the place.

Loosing Nathan was one thing but loosing contact with Ellie ? Everytime i think about it makes my stomach squeeze.

Malia-" Is that.. a wolf ?!"

Out from behind the trees stepped out a average size white wolf. First time i saw anything different than a human. Way to distact my thoughts.

And i have met alot of.. creatures.

"Some people grieve for much from the loss of they're wolf that they simply turn into one. But never turn back."

After a few more sentences she left. And me ? Me being me and my stupid brain decided to approach the wolf.

Kneeling dow on my knees i reached out my arm. Its eyes deep navy. And fur soft like a blanket.

Leaving me run my fingers through its fur, they took a few steps closer to me, leaning against my body.

"It never went to anyone."

Our heads switched to whoever was talking to us. The infamous Sam. Hes signature smirk on hes face.

And as if in protection the wolf stepped infront of me, growling at Sam.

Malia-" See, even the wolf doesnt like you Sam."

Sam will play quite a important part in the upcoming chapters !

Thank you for reading.

Bad girl, Good boy - SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant