Bonus Q&A : Jace

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Lol just think about this like those celeb interviews. It's a character practice with questions from Marcel Proust.

I did this and I have studied. I am awesome.

Q and A : Jace Mason

1What is your idea of perfect happiness?

My idea of happiness will be with Ash, growing old together after I served my time in the army, going home to her and my family would be there too. In our house, Mom will be in the kitchen, cooking Ash's favourite food and Pops will be watching TV with Ash and our daughter/son will be on her lap or playing around *Chuckles, shaking his head* I know it sounds a bit dreamy, sappy and too much of an apple pie life but... *Smiles* it really makes me happy.

2What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear is coming home to nothing. The house, Ash's house is burnt to the ground, only ashes left and pops is in the hospital, dying. And I don't have a home to come home to anymore.

3What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

The fact that I'm too weak sometimes. That I couldn't be the strong man that Ash deserves, she deserves more than me, stronger, kinder and... Better in general.

4What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Ignorance and hatred. I don't like people who takes it on themselves to make others miserable just because their lives are. My life is rainbow and unicorns -well, I think it is- *Laughs* But that's just because I let Ash and her family came in to my life when everything were buried under the ground years ago. I chose not to be miserable. I want to be happy.

5Which living person do you most admire?

My dad *grins* but... Ashley too. My dad was a brave man, countless stories of him agree to that but lately Ash was becoming more of a hero than me. She's my heroine.

6What is your greatest extravagance?

Presents. I like buying people presents. It calmed me and I feel like I made people happy when I give them exactly what they wanted for christmas or birthdays or for the happy weekend they needed *smiles softly*.

7What is your current state of mind?

Worried. I don't know if I could make it out of this line of duty alive. I wanted to see Ashley, touch her, make her laugh and if I die I couldn't do that anymore, I couldn't go home (sighs heavily) But I can't tell her what I'm doing either and that makes me worried but if I tell her... then she'll be worried. Then of course god knows who's more important to me. Her.

8What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

Honesty. I think people shouldn't make that big of a deal about it. I mean people should be honest as their built in reaction, not lying. But I'm not one to talk myself (smiles sadly)

9On what occasion do you lie?

Well... It's kind of a tough one... But I usually lie when I want to surprise someone. Like Ash's tenth birthday for example *chuckles* or when I'm protecting something dear. Or when I'm scared. Well, that turned out to be quite a lot of occasion.

10What do you most dislike about your appearance?

Lanky body. I want muscles not a runway model figure *glares down at his body and shrugs helplessly* I couldn't exactly help and protect the people that I love with this bod. Not that I wanted to be a G.I Joe too but you know...

11Which living person do you most despise?

*Fidget* I really try to be a person with a big heart and kind and all that but I'm human and I have my demons too. *Sighs* I fucking hate Jake. Should I say why? *glares to kill*

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