Journal [9.5]

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Just a little filler for the real chapter on TUESDAY<3 May 20th! ON MY SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY OMYGOD YESSS!

I'm going to celebrate it with you all awesome wattpader! My readers and followers and voters! And I'm going to update ALL of my stories! :''D

So until the real update on Tuesday... Love you guys<3

P.s Just hold on with this little update! ;D

Journal [9]

Ashley's POV

I fidgeted nervously, my eyes couldn't stop twitching from side to side. My fingers picked at my nails like I was going to cut them into pieces and they would often crawled into my mouth and I would bite my nails off my fingers.

My eyes scanned the airport like I was expecting a terminator, a robot or an alien to pop out any minute. I honestly didn't look like I was waiting for my beloved best friend slash boyfriend to come home.

People eyed me weirdly, earlier some stranger even came up to me and asked if I was okay and do I need a lift. Now can you imagine how anxious I looked?

My mom snorted in a very unlady like manner. I glanced at her and continued to chewed on my nails. Can't she feel the tension here??

"What." I snapped.

My mom snickered evilly, "Not so confident now do we?" She cackled.

I just rolled my eyes and continued to let them roam free inside the airport. I glanced at the clock,


Jace was due any minute now.

My heart was beating like they were going to fall off and come out of my ribcage any moment now. It was beating so hard that I could hear the beats echoing inside my ears. I was so nervous but I didn't even know why.

"Relax, Ash. Take deep breaths." My mom instructed softly, stroking my back slowly.

I did what she said and for a moment it worked until Jace's granddad said, "And don't forget to kiss him hello."

Then my back tensed again and I felt like I was going to puke my insides all over the floor. I was starting to hyperventilate and these two old guys won't shut up about how do I need to greet Jace home properly.

"Aww, come on Charles. Don't tease her, she doesn't need anymore thoughts to think of." My mom scolded him teasingly.

Obviously she was urging Charles to continue to do so, to tease me. But old being old, they both just had to make it as a play, a dramatic drama of Grandson and Daughter Soldier Love. I would roll my eyes if I wasn't too busy chewing my nails and sweating bullets out of my skin.

"But she wants to! I can feel her need and want and love for my grandson!" He defended childishly, squeezing my shoulder softly as in support. I knew better, he just wanted to play me so they both could get a nice little movie.

I just couldn't wait for the moment I stop hyperventilating and slammed the both of their heads together just to get them to stop talking about me and my main issues.

As you guys probably didn't know, the reason for my weird behaviour was Jace... And what should I do when he arrived. I mean he was my best friend and my everything... but this past months changed everything about that. He told me he love me and I knew we weren't completely best friends anymore.

Something had changed between us, and that something was because I love him too. And I still haven't got the chance to tell him that. Actually I had plenty but I just wanted it to be special, I guess. It wasn't everyday stuff that I told people I love them.

And it didn't help when these two old guys kept planting ideas in my head.

One, hug him awkwardly and probably felt bad about it forever.

Two, hug and kiss his cheek awkwardly then probably regret that I didn't do anything more than that.

Three, kiss him senseless and confess my undying love for him dramatically like in the movies. Which I still didn't have the guts to do but then again our first kiss should be special, duh.

Four, stood there and shook his hand, which was never going to happen. I wasn't that awkward and shy.

Now I was stuck between four options of which I never wanted to do neither. God help me.

They continued to bicker and laughed on my expanse. I bet they were having tons of fun watching me squirm and sweat bullets. I thought I was going into some kind of cardiac arrest because my heart was that out of control.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans and glanced at the clock again. I still have time for a quick refreshing moment in the bathroom. "I'm going to the bathroom. Just real quick." I said to the both of them, ignoring the knowing smiles on their faces.

Pfft, what was I going to do anyway? Powder my nose to death?

Yeah, well, most likely, probably, yeah.

It has been nine months since the last time I've seen Jace and I couldn't stop thinking that I will look different in front of his eyes and he wouldn't look at me or love me anymore. Which sent me into another anxious and hyperventilating episodes.

I gulped and looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. The anxious feeling inside my chest felt like hands twisting my lungs and heart.

I tidied my long blonde hair and ran my fingers through my hair. Hoping it would stay in place and not a strand was out of place. My eyes were still their same old color and I was a bit pale because I never went outside anymore. Very rarely.

My cheeks were flushed because of my panting episodes but I looked like I just ran a marathon inside the airport.

The sound of the machine lady echoed in the speaker inside the bathroom.

"Flight Number E910 America Airlines, has arrived."

And my soul felt like it was going to flow up any moment now. It was Jace's flight finally arriving. Someone please punch me.

My feet trudged slowly on the shiny airport floors and I came face to face with excited wrinkled faces. "He's going to come out soon." My mom chirped excitedly.

While Charles almost bounced on where he stood.

My face was going to be on the ground any moment now, I would pass out soon. I couldn't take this anymore. The excitement was too much for my poor fragile little soul.

And just like that, Jace came through the glass sliding doors. My breath caught, I almost didn't recognize him. He looked more like a celebrity than a soldier.

His buzz cut was growing back and I knew I could lightly run my hands through his bronze strands again. His eyes were still their deep blue color and they were looking at me, staring through my soul.

Jace waved and smiled brightly, so bright I was afraid I was going to fall in love with him more than I should. "Ash!" His soothing, deep yet gentle voice echoed through the airport. The voice that I've missed so much.

And just like that, my feet had their own will and I was running to him like my life depended on it.

Jace. Jace. Jace. Jace. Jace. Jace.

He's here! He's finally here!

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