Chapter 1 - In Defense of Angel Island

Start from the beginning

Knuckles performed a flying punch at Metal Sonic, but he grabbed his punch out of the air, as well as his leg, and slammed Knuckles on the ground. Sonic and Emerl trade several punches and kicks, all of which are either blocked or avoided. Meanwhile, Tails is being pursued by flying Badniks who are firing missles and artillery at the X Tornado.

"Uh oh guys, we got company." Tails warned. The two fights raged on as both seemed to be in a stalemate for the time being. Tails began swerving away from incoming missles, which eventually causes Sonic to fall down and roll towards the right wing of the ship. He is able to grab and hold onto the wing. Emerl approaches him menacingly as Sonic tries desperately to get back up. Emerl stomps on his left hand, breaking a couple of his fingers. Sonic lets out a huge scream as Emerl lifts his leg up for another attack. Emerl kicks Sonic directly in the face, knocking him off the ship. Tails screamed his name with a horrified tone and began to grow angry and started firing back at any Badnik in his way.

Knuckles is now fighting alone against two very powerful adversaries. "Oh boy…" he exclaimed.

"There is no hope for you now." boasted Metal Sonic as he throws a punch at Knuckles, who grabs his punch and kicks the charging Emerl in the abdomen. Knuckles throws a punch of his own at Metal Sonic, but he too grabs the punch and the two are now trying to push each other off of the X Tornado.

Emerl pulls out a sword and charges at Knuckles, attempting to strike Knuckles, but he quickly shoves Metal Sonic off of him and grabs the blade as it is being brought down. Knuckles delivers another kick into Emerl's abdomen, followed a spin kick to Emerl's head, which launches him into Metal Sonic. The two get up, look at each other and nod.

They charge at Knuckles together and begin to throw punches at him, but Knuckles swiftly avoids every single one of them. A few failed attempts later, Knuckles swats away two simultaneous punches and grabs the two by the back of their heads and then slams their heads together. Knuckles follows that up with a leap and a kick to both of their faces at the same time. Metal Sonic slams his fist on the ground, gets up and tries again. Knuckles, again, avoids all of his attacks, he then grabs Metal Sonic's arm, turns him around, knees him in the back and hurls him at Emerl. Knuckles had a huge grin on his face during the whole fight.

Knuckles mocked Metal Sonic's threat from before the fight, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought there was no hope for me."

Metal Sonic growls in extreme anger, but before he can get back up, the X Tornado is hit by a missle which causes the ship to slowly lose altitude.

"Augh! I'm hit, I'm hit!" Tails screamed.

"Shit! We're going down aren't we?" asked Knuckles.

"Yes, I'm afraid so, hold on tight."

Knuckles looked around before running straight into Metal Sonic, tackling him off of the X Tornado in order to break his fall. The two fell approximately 350 feet onto flat, solid ground. Knuckles is slightly damaged from the fall, but Metal Sonic did not fair better, as the impact from the fall nearly destroyed him. But being the persistent machine that he is, still tried to fight Knuckles. He slowly attempted to get back up, but it proved no use after Knuckles stomped his head into the ground.

Knuckles was about to stomp on his head again, in hopes of completely destroying him, but Emerl tackled Knuckles from behind. Knuckles shakes Emerl off of him,

"Seriously? You're challenging me when you couldn't even touch me with Metal Sonic's help?" said Knuckles with a smirk on his face, "What makes you think you have the slightest chance in besting me?"

The two stared each other down while in their battle stances, but before either of them could do anything, Sonic performs his homing attack on Emerl, rendering him unconscious.

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