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I had a mouth full of pizza, there wasn't much I could do but choke on it as I watched Vince try to respond to David's antics. David's face filled with concern and I finished choking before telling him I would be alright.

"I love this guy, honestly," Kaleb said, putting his hand on David's shoulder.

Hannah swayed happily in her chair as she drank iced tea out of her cup. It looked like she was thinking of a song, and I was trying to guess which one when I was interrupted.

"Rhia, I've never lost to anyone before," Vince said, shock still in his system.

"Get used to it babe."

"Well it's obvious you have to die." Vince shook his head.

I threw a piece of crust at him, "You wouldn't get your pretty hands dirty."

He held his hand to his heart, "I thought my new boyfriend David would be so kind as to do it for me."

David finished the pizza in his mouth, "Can't. She promised me a back rub."

Vince gasped dramatically. He put a big frown on his face and pretended to sniffle.

"I never promised you that." I elbowed David to get his attention.

Vince wiped a fake tear from his eye. He looked up at the ceiling, asking whatever god he believed in why they were treating him that way. I rolled my eyes, looking back at Hannah as she swayed.

"Han, you want more pizza?" I asked.

"I'm good for now."

She looked at Julian, pointing to a spot next to her lip, "You have a little sauce."

He wiped the sauce off with his thumb and put it in his mouth. I watched as Hannah crossed her legs, her eyes cemented to his thumb. I felt myself crossing my legs at the look in her eyes.

"You alright?" David asked.

I tore my eyes away from them. I smiled at David and ate my pizza. He took my hand in his and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. His phone rang, and he apologized before leaving to answer it.

"Rhia, I'm not sure who I'm more jealous of, you or David." Kaleb drank some soda.

"What do you mean?"

"I'd kill to be either one of you. David is gorgeous, but you," He trailed off, his eyes skimming down my skin.

Vince kicked him under the table, "Leave her alone."

"What's the matter Enzo? Maybe I like being complimented every now and then."

Vince got uncomfortably quiet. I was ready to ignore it when I heard him mumble, "My name isn't Enzo."

When I was about to push it, Julian laid his hand on my arm, "Don't."

Julian's warning was serious, I could see it in how his eyes seemed to plead with mine not to do anything. When I looked at Vince, he had grown distant. It was as if his eyes could see through the table.

David returned and everyone but Vince acted normal. We all eventually left and he still hadn't snapped out of his funk. David brought me home and acted like he was going to say goodbye at the door, but I dragged him inside.

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