Androids?! Not the ones we're looking for!!

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                        BASED PARODY

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super And Yes Dragon Ball Z Abridged, are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, Shueisha, Akira Toriyama, And Team Four Star.


Three years have passed since the message was said from...Bardock, because as you all know-

Kanassan: He can see the futurrrre!

Yeah...thanks you. Trunks was comfortable that somebody knew what was about to happen. And so everyone has been training non-stop. Soon enough everyone was just about to head to the location to South City.

(Y/N): Alright, here we are (Lands)

Krillin: Woohoo! We're gonna do this guys!

Piccolo: Like the sound of that, but can you prove it?

Tien: I hope we can

Goki: (Lands next to you) Let's just hope we do this

Gohan: I'm ready for whatever comes our way!

Goki: (smiles) Is that Yamcha and Bulma?

Bulma: Hey guys!

Yamcha: Sup Guys!

Goki: It's been so long! Who's that you're holding?

Bulma: This is my son Trunks

Yamcha: Yeah, And I bet you know who the father is

(Y/N): Vegeta

Goki: Vegeta

Gohan: Vegeta

Krillin: Vegeta

Tien: Dude are you kidding? Of course it's Vegeta

Yamcha: Well, it could've been me

Bulma: It's Vegeta

Yamcha: ...I'm just gonna walk over here...(walks away)

Goki: How'd it happen?

Bulma: Well...

(Y/N): (covers Gohan's ears)


Bulma: Are you insane?!

Vegeta: (stops) No, but you're upside down (continues cartwheels) Now you're not

Bulma: You know, it would be easier to count the amount of your ribs that aren't broken!

Vegeta: Work through the pain...!

Bulma: And exactly how are you going to work when your body collapses?

Vegeta: Please, The Prince of all Saiyans does not colla-aaapse (collapses) IRGH-ir!

Bulma: Oh look at that! The Prince of eight Saiyans has collapsed!

Vegeta: Eight And a hal- shut up!

Bulma: Oh no! The prince is getting all huffy! What are you going to do? Try to blow up Earth again? Because because I have Y/N on speed dial.

Vegeta: You must be stupid if you think he knows how to use a phone!

Yeah, you don't because as we said from the beginning of this story, you're a saiyan whi didn't grow up on earth.

Bulma: Don't you call me stupid!

Vegeta: Ok, then how about bitch!

Bulma: Arrogant dick!

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