Perf Cell?! Part 3

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                        BASED PARODY

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super And Yes Dragon Ball Z Abridged, are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, Shueisha, Akira Toriyama, And Team Four Star.


Cell: So, my siblings. Why don't you come with me...and you'll a world of truly pure perfection...

Android 18: Stop it!

Android 16: Seventeen! We need to go!

Android 17: No. I'm gonna play this one out.

Android 16: I believe this is a poor decision!

Android 17: Probably...But it's mine to make! (Lunges for Cell only to be pinned by Cell)

Cell: You know... (picks up seventeen) He wasn't wrong. (Opens tail and gets it closer to seventeen)

Android 17: This is...The...GROSSEST THING-..!!!

Cell: Aw, c'mon now. Don't be so scared. Once you are a part of me, you'll be reunited with our sister in...I dunno, give me five minutes. Ten, tops. And once I've achieved me perfection, I'll take my time killing every single person on this planet... Even the mighty Goki~~... (Maniacal laughter)

Android 16: (puts hand on shoulder)

Cell: Huh?

Android 16: Would you care to repeat that, YOU SON OF A BITCH? (Punches Cell as he drops seventeen)

Cell: GAH! (Wipes mouth) Got another one in ya?

Android 16: STOP...IT!!!

Android 17: Damn, sixteen! Where the HELL did that come from??? And WHAT TOOK YIU SO LONG?!?!

Android 16: I was waiting to see how things played out.

Android 17: Was that...sarcasm?

Android 16: I am not programmed for sarcasm...

Android 17: ...I'm proud of you

Android 16: Now if you'll excuse me, I will eliminate Cell.

Android 17: Ok, go ahead and kill him!

Cell: Ok so we're doing this now!

They both lunged at each other going in for a headbutt. Cell tried to suck Android 16's energy, But was useless and couldn't get a drop. Sixteen then grabs his tail and slams him to the ground. Sixteen then landed next to Cell and ripped of his tail, leaving Cell crying out in pain. But, a few seconds later he just regrew his tail. Cell then powered up and over powered sixteen punching him to the other side of the island only to be rocket punched by sixteen, and dug under ground.

Cell: Hagh, what is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!?! Where in the fuck am I?! Wait. What's that noise-? Hold on...Now I see a light..!!

Android 16: Walk towards it! (Fires blast)


As the blinding light fades away, we see the island completely flat with craters around as sixteen was reattaching his hands.

Android 18: ...Oh my God...He actually did it

Android 16: Why are you still here?!

Android 17; Oh, c'mon, we can't just leave you here! We're the Three Amigos!

Android 16: You do not understand, I'm not even sure if I can even get rid of this cell. And if absorbs both of you, everything will be destroyed

Android 17: ...shit

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