"Is that a meteor?" Finn asked.

"Either that or a savior." Miles said as they looked at the meteor flying passed them.

"Is it just me or is that meteor heading right towards us?" Louis said.

The meteor went threw the second O in the Hollywood sign, making a big dent.

"The city mayor is going to be pissed." Finn said.

"Guys, it went threw the sign. Maybe it's still there." Susanne said.

"Come on, let's go see." Finn as the rest of the gang find the meteor.

"Amy, you coming?" Miles asked Amy as she sighs and comes along.

The gang got their phones out as they go look for the meteor, while Finn talks to Brittany about her rape last night.

"Brittany, I'm so sorry about what happened to you last night. If I wasn't looking for Pia, I would've came upstairs to stop them."Finn said.

"It wasn't your fault, Finn. It was three of them and one of you. You wouldn't stop them. Sorry that you and Pia broke up. I mean, cheating on you with your best friend is more fucked up than what happened to me." Brittany said.

"I guess we both had it worst last night." Finn said.

"Hey, guess make sure you got your lights on." Miles said as he told everyone to turn their flashlights on their  phones.

"Maybe this meteor thing, will help us get our minds off our shitty night." Brittany said as she took her phone and turn her light on.

"Let's hope for the better." Finn said as he grab his phone and turn the light on.

Amy walked close to Miles and they socialize a little.

"You know, me and Theo use to come up walking every Saturday with my parents. He always beat me when we do a little race. I never got a chance to win against him do. He was the champion. I miss him, though." Amy said.

"I miss him, too, Amy." Miles said.

"Look, I'm sorry what happened to you, yesterday." Amy said.

"Well, shit happens." Miles said.

"Hey, guys! I think it's here!" Susanne exclaimed as they both rush behind the Hollywood sign to find the meteor.

"I gotta get my camera for this." Louis said.

The all went behind the Hollywood sign and they saw a blueish glow. It was a blue radioactive meteor with crystal on it.

"Holy shit." Finn said as he was recording the meteor on his phone.

"Guys, are you seeing this?" Miles said as they both gather around the glowing meteor.

"That is one weird looking meteor." Brittany said while recording it.

"Maybe, it's a giant alien egg. Or those sluggish things from Slither." Louis said.

They hear a distorted sound with a deep voice in alien language.

"Guys, do you hear that?" Susanne said.

"What the hell is that sound?" Finn said.

Their phones screen start getting static and their phones went off. The meteor begins to transmitting an alien message, drawing the gang to it. 

"What is wrong with my phone?" Susanne said as her phone was breaking up.

"Yeah, mines too." Brittany said.

Amy then collapsed and start having a seizure attack. Her body starts shaking like she was getting electrocuted and the gang tries to help.

"Oh my god. What's happening to her?" Brittany said.

"She having a fucking seizure attack!" Susanne said.

Amy start chanting the alien message while having a seizure.

"What the fuck is she saying?" Finn said.

"I don't know, Latin?" Miles said.

Amy stop and open her eyes, "What the fuck just happened?" 

"You had a seizure attack and you spoke in some weird language." Miles said as he and Brittany helped her up.

"Guys look." Susanne said as she pointed at the meteor that is now glowing bright red.

"Why is it turning red now." Louis said as he squinted his eyes at the bright color.

"I don't know!" Miles exclaimed as the meteor makes a loud sound.

The meteor make the gang levitates above the ground.

"Guys, what the fuck is happening?" Finn said as him and the rest of them were floating.

"I don't know!" Miles exclaimed.

"Why are we floating?" Amy said.

"Guys!" Miles exclaimed as they look at the meteor glowing really bright and the meter started to explode.

The explosion from the meteor made the gang start to disintegrated into little pieces.

The gang started to scream as they look at theirselves being dissolved.

"Ahhh!" Susanne, Amy and Brittany screamed as they were disappearing.

"No!!!!" Miles and Finn started to scream as they both faded away.

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