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"No man chooses evil because it is evil.
He only mistakes it for happiness, in the good he seeks"
- Mary Wollstonecraft

 He only mistakes it for happiness, in the good he seeks" - Mary Wollstonecraft

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The sunrise shone through the ballroom and onto where Clementine lay stretched across Wren Rigby.

She attempted to carefully stand up without waking the sleeping boy.

"Don't worry they won't wake up"
The voice caused Clementine to jump and turn around to see Alexander sat next to the large dwindling fire that the couches were surrounding.

"Oh my Alexander you scared me!" She quietly exclaimed a hand placed against her heart.

He looked at her his lips twitching slightly as she came and sat next to him on the floor putting her hands up to the fire.

"What are you reading?" Alexander looked down at the scrawny book in his hands before meeting Clementines gaze.

"Just a book, nothing of great importance" he said lies slipping effortlessly from his lips.

Clementine scoffed before quickly covering her mouth carefully aware of how loud she was. After sparing a quick glance at the sleeping boys she turned back to Alexander,
"All books are important, they're a portal to a world, their character your friend and you will always close them with new knowledge" as she spoke with such passion Alexander couldn't move his eyes from her.

The way her hands moved to the rhythm she spoke and although she never said much he knew that everything she said was a truth.

"You're too lovely for this world" he stated causing Clementine to stare with wide eyes.

Unknowing of what to reply after her simple "thank you" she sat in a silence with the man desperately racking her brain for something to say.

"They don't wake easily"

Clementine caught Alexander's attention and he turned his gaze towards his two sleeping nonbiological brothers.

"You can sleep through anything after being where we have"

Clementine watched him carefully before questioning carefully,
"The jail?"

Alexander unsteadily nodded and they sat in silence before he suddenly announced,
"a pretty face does not mean a pretty heart Clementine. You've got to be careful"

The words made tears reach her eyes for an unknown reason,
"Everyone's so very pretty in there own way, so who can I trust when everyone's so perfect in their own way"

His eyebrows raised and he bit his lip before replying, watching the delicate tear role down her cheek


Dragging her closer he wiped her year away and kissed the top of her hair.

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