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"The day you left me an angel cried"

"The day you left me an angel cried"

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Page 1

Strolling along the frosted winter path I held myself back from stepping foot in the local coffee shop The Grasshopper a rather weird name for a coffee shop if I do say so myself, but the women who runs it, my grandmother, is a tad on the loopy side.

I walk on until I reach the real estate agency Doonswater Real Estate.
Stepping inside the small side building I head straight to the front desk.

"Clementine Hunter! To what do I owe this pleasure!" I hear a loud shrill voice asked, I raise my head slightly to notice Grace Sullivan, Class A gossiper and pretty girl.

"Grace, long time no see" I reply not much able to lace excitement into my tone, not that she'll notice anyway

"I know right! How are you? Personally I'm great, me and Matt got engaged" she laughed before shoving her left hand over the large oak desk and into my face.

The big diamond shone in the light beautifully.

"Wow it's beautiful,congratulations!" I replied smiling brightly at her.

I am genuinely surprised at how quick they've got engaged, they've only been dating three months; but who am I too judge.

"So what can I do for you today" she asked glancing at her bright pink nails

"I've got a meeting with your father at nine thirty on the dot"

"Oh Okay, please go take a seat" she replied clearly unhappy about my lack of information.

Grace's father is the boss of Doonswater Real Estate and of course gave her a job here.

"Clementine Hunter?"

My name gets called by the lovely old man that is Mr James Sullivan.

"Hello Ms Hunter, please enter" I follow his hand's direction and enter his small office and take a seat in front of his desk.

"So Ms Hunter here's the key to the front gates have you got the last of the money?"

Mr Sullivan put his left hand out for the money while his other holds the key.

I place five grand in his hand, he quickly counts it all up on his calculator before handing a piece of paper over, too which I read before signing.

I hand it back over to him and he lets out a gigantic smile and dropping a large heavy key into my hand along with a padlock key, "Doonswater mansion and its five acres of land are officially in your hands Miss Clementine Hunter" he says before shaking my hand firmly.

The accomplished giddy feeling rushes through my body and a huge smile graces my face as I leave the building.

I head over to The Grasshopper noticing as the frost drips away and the sun makes its way in the sky.

I reach the coffee shop and step inside, listening for the little ding of the bell as you enter, I walk through into the back to where my gran and her workers will be, ignoring the many gazes of customers.

"Grandma!" I call out not noticing her anywhere "Clementine! Is that you? I'm over here" she shouts,

"where's here?"

"the kitchen" she replies in her sing-song voice.

I walk through, stepping over the random things lying on the floor and enter the kitchen to see Gran stirring some soup.

"Now dearie, what's got the big Ole smile on your face?" She questions smiling brightly at me her fake teeth popping out slightly and her lilac hair combed  and curled neatly to her head.

I pull out the large key from my pocket and show her,

"what's that?" She questions sending me a sneaky smirk.

"The new owner of Doonswater mansion and it's many acres of land is your one and only Clementine Hunter" I flail my arms around in excitement as gran lets out a small scream before running over and pulling me into a hug.

"You did it!"

My grandma knew how much I have dreamed of owning and renovating the old abandoned mansion. It's so beautifully broken and that's what makes it just so perfect for me.

"Now dear" she says gesturing too the seats at the workers break table. "Mason! Go grab Clementine some shortbread will you"

"Yes ma" Mason, the current worker at The Grasshopper and prisoner of the open prison up on North hill.

"So as I was saying, you need to make sure you keep to your dreams and keep going because this house, no slash that, mansion, of yours is going to be an awful amount of work"

"Yes I know ma, but it will be worth it" I strike her a grin,

"That it will" she said nodding her head back and forth.

"Ugh where's that rascal with your shortbread!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Mason, the so called rascal responds coming into view with a large slice of shortbread covered in sugar.

He places it down in front of me with a small smile.

"So Clementine, I heard you got the old house near the prison"

"That I did! Although, it's not that close to the prison"

"It's 2 miles away from it, a good half hour walk "

"And? It's not like you'll all bother me"

He sent me a flat look

"We walk past there every morning and night"

"Oh" I said feeling slightly confused at the new revolution.
It wouldn't be that big a deal would it.
"Oh, well no big deal your just prisoners"

He sent me a quick glare,
"Not just prisoners, we've all done something serious enough"

His defensive tone sent a rush of worry through me, they wouldn't bother me, right?

"Anywho, you better go check the place out and get settled in hadn't you" Ma butted in.

Nodding I put my hand down to pick up my short bread up but noticed the plate was empty, lifting my head grandma sends me a sly smile.
I stand from the seat rolling my eyes and walk out to Ma's house across the street.

The small grey stoned house still had smoke coming out the chimney from this morning. Stepping inside I grab my car keys off the wooden table before picking up a few of my bags before stepping back outside and going over to my pearl blue classic VW Beetle, Bertha.

Opening the boot of Bertha the springs ping making me grit my teeth at the stupid sound. Quickly I place the bags in before getting into my seat and driving out of town.

Doonswater mansion is three miles out of town so only about a ten minute drive.

Turning up the music I strum my fingers along with the beat of The Neighbourhood.

Turning around the tight corner of the small country road I look through the trees when the large stone wall of my estate pokes through the odd tree.
I feel my heart begin to race, I've waited so long and saved so much and now, now this day is actually happening!

Finally I've started a new, my dream is beginning to come true.

I've never been so happy!

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