XVIII - So the fam's all here...this is fun

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Snow flutters around you as you turn the motorcycle off. Before you stands a run down two story building long since abandoned. Shards of glass litter the ground. Mold eats at the old wood.

"Perfect place for a deranged gang lair," you mutter bitterly to the wind. It just whistles on by. Sticking your cold hands in your pockets, you cautiously enter the building. Shadows jump out at you from every corner. The floor creaks beneath your feet.

"Alright," you say, keeping your voice level, mostly just talking to yourself, "I'm here. I'm fucking here assholes."

A door to your left opens. Leading down into a dark abyss is a set of horrifying stairs. God, what is this, a horror movie? Against your better judgement, you traipse down the wooden steps. At the bottom of the landing is an elevator. That's it. Just a small room, only with a sleek silver elevator in the wall.

"Jesus fuck this is weird." Oddly, this is comforting, talking to yourself. Hearing your voice. Almost like you know that it's going to be there to back you up. At the thought of that you shake your head. Of course it will be, it is you. And not sentient. Christ, you're going insane. "It's just the stress."

You press the down button. Immediately and soundlessly, the doors glide open. You swallow nervously and enter. Without pressing any buttons, the elevator shoots downwards. Nausea twists your stomach around. You close your eyes and force bile down. When you open them again, the elevator is open and an ominous empty hallway waits before you. Heart beating fast enough to be a cause for concern, you walk down the corridor. Flickering fluorescent lights create an even more eerie ambiance than the silent solitude.

At the end of the hallway, it splits into two. Down either it looks the same. The same pristine metal walls, the same horrible lights. But down the left you hear a scream. A familiar scream. Your stomach drops and you race down the hall. Following the shouts you skid to a stop in front of a door that you get a feeling leads to an interrogation room. You pull on the heavy metal door with all your might. Panting, you slip through the small crack into a blindingly bright room.

In the center is a figure, bloody and beaten, curled into a ball. Your footsteps reverberate throughout the room as you slowly approach the man.

"Hello?" You venture, your voice a whisper. "Are you okay?"

A stupid question, really. Obviously they are far from okay. In fact, are they even breathing? You stare for a second. Yes. Barely.

They groan and slowly sit up. You freeze. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Back for more already?" A familiar voice taunts. "I thought I got a good headbutt in there to buy me an hour of peace at least."

Shit! You hold back a sob. "Tony!"

These people have kidnapped the two most important people in your life. Oh you're going to burn this place to the ground.

Tony turns to face you, eyes wide in fear. Blood drips from his nose and mouth and stains his hair. His right eye is swollen. Bruises bloom over every visible inch of his skin. Jesus he looks terrible. But he's alive, at least. "Y/N! What are you doing here?!"

"Long story," you reply sliding to your knees and trying to pull Tony's chains off. You're not sure why you thought just tugging would work. You're a bit frazzled. Finally you resort to your voice. This is something you were hoping Tony never found out about. But you command the manacles around his wrists to pop open anyway.

"How did you do that?"

You chuckle softly. "Another long story. C'mon we gotta go."

Despite your uncle's protests, you lift his arm over your shoulders and help him to his feet. When you turn back to the door, there's someone waiting there. A beautiful woman dressed in white, her face exposed.

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